
This module provides the LikelihoodLoss adapter to use GPflow’s Likelihood implementations as a tf.keras.losses.Loss.

Module Contents#

class LikelihoodLoss(likelihood: gpflow.likelihoods.Likelihood)[source]#

Bases: tf.keras.losses.Loss

This class is a tf.keras.losses.Loss implementation that wraps a GPflow Likelihood instance.

When the prediction (last-layer output) is a Distribution q(f), calling this loss returns the negative variational expectation \(-\mathbb{E}_{q(f)}[\log p(y|f)]\). When the prediction is a tf.Tensor, calling this loss returns the negative log-probability \(-\log p(y|f)\).

When you use this loss function in training a Keras model, the value of this loss is not logged explicitly (in contrast, the layer-specific losses are logged, as is the overall model loss). To output this loss value explicitly, wrap this class in a tf.keras.metrics.Metric and add it to the model metrics.


Use either this LikelihoodLoss (e.g. together with a tf.keras.Sequential model) or LikelihoodLayer (together with gpflux.models.DeepGP). Do not use both at once because this would add the loss twice.



the GPflow likelihood object to use.


If you want to train any parameters of the likelihood (e.g. likelihood variance), you must include the likelihood as an attribute on a TrackableLayer instance that is part of your model. (This is not required when instead you use a gpflux.layers.LikelihoodLayer together with gpflux.models.DeepGP.)

call(y_true: gpflow.base.TensorType, f_prediction: gpflow.base.TensorType | tfp.distributions.MultivariateNormalDiag) tf.Tensor[source]#

Note that we deviate from the Keras Loss interface by calling the second argument f_prediction rather than y_pred.