Source code for gpflux.losses

# Copyright (c) 2021 The GPflux Contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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This module provides the `LikelihoodLoss` adapter to use GPflow's
:class:`~gpflow.likelihoods.Likelihood` implementations as a
from typing import Union

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp

import gpflow
from gpflow.base import TensorType

from gpflux.types import unwrap_dist

[docs]class LikelihoodLoss(tf.keras.losses.Loss): r""" This class is a `tf.keras.losses.Loss` implementation that wraps a GPflow :class:`~gpflow.likelihoods.Likelihood` instance. When the prediction (last-layer output) is a :class:`~tfp.distributions.Distribution` ``q(f)``, calling this loss returns the negative variational expectation :math:`-\mathbb{E}_{q(f)}[\log p(y|f)]`. When the prediction is a `tf.Tensor`, calling this loss returns the negative log-probability :math:`-\log p(y|f)`. When you use this loss function in training a Keras model, the value of this loss is not logged explicitly (in contrast, the layer-specific losses are logged, as is the overall model loss). To output this loss value explicitly, wrap this class in a `tf.keras.metrics.Metric` and add it to the model metrics. .. note:: Use **either** this `LikelihoodLoss` (e.g. together with a `tf.keras.Sequential` model) **or** :class:`~gpflux.layers.LikelihoodLayer` (together with `gpflux.models.DeepGP`). Do **not** use both at once because this would add the loss twice. """ def __init__(self, likelihood: gpflow.likelihoods.Likelihood): """ :param likelihood: the GPflow likelihood object to use. .. note:: If you want to train any parameters of the likelihood (e.g. likelihood variance), you must include the likelihood as an attribute on a :class:`~gpflux.layers.TrackableLayer` instance that is part of your model. (This is not required when instead you use a :class:`gpflux.layers.LikelihoodLayer` together with :class:`gpflux.models.DeepGP`.) """ super().__init__() self.likelihood = likelihood
[docs] def call( self, y_true: TensorType, f_prediction: Union[TensorType, tfp.distributions.MultivariateNormalDiag], ) -> tf.Tensor: """ Note that we deviate from the Keras Loss interface by calling the second argument *f_prediction* rather than *y_pred*. """ no_X = None if isinstance(unwrap_dist(f_prediction), tfp.distributions.MultivariateNormalDiag): F_mu = f_prediction.loc F_var = f_prediction.scale.diag ** 2 return -self.likelihood.variational_expectations(no_X, F_mu, F_var, y_true) else: # Tensor f_samples = f_prediction return -self.likelihood.log_prob(no_X, f_samples, y_true)