
This module contains a set of utilities used in experiments and notebooks.

Module Contents#

is_continuous_integration() bool[source]#

Return True if the code is running on continuous integration (CI) machines, otherwise False.

..note:: This check is based on the CI environment variable, which is set to True

by GitHub actions, CircleCI, and Jenkins. This function may not work as expected under other CI frameworks.

notebook_niter(n: int, test_n: int = 2) int[source]#

Return a typically smaller number of iterations test_n if code is running on CI machines (see is_continuous_integration()), otherwise return n.

notebook_range(n: int, test_n: int = 2) range[source]#

Return a typically shorter range (of the length specified by test_n) if code is running on CI machines (see is_continuous_integration()), otherwise return a range of the length specified by n.

notebook_list(lst: list, test_n: int = 2) list[source]#

Return a subset of the length specified by test_n from a list lst if the code is running on CI machines (see is_continuous_integration()), otherwise return the complete list lst.