Utility functions for SDE
Numerical Simulation of SDEs of type: dx(t) = f(x,t)dt + L(x,t)dB(t) using the Euler-Maruyama Method.
..math:: x(t+1) = x(t) + f(x,t)dt + L(x,t)*sqrt(dt*q)*N(0,I)
sde – Object of SDE class
x0 – state at start time, t0, with shape `[num_batch, state_dim]`
`[num_batch, state_dim]`
time_grid – A homogeneous time grid for simulation, `[num_transitions, ]`
`[num_transitions, ]`
Simulated SDE values, `[num_batch, num_transitions+1, state_dim]`
`[num_batch, num_transitions+1, state_dim]`
Note: evaluation time grid is [t0, tn], x0 value is appended for t0 time. Thus, simulated values are (num_transitions+1).
Handle shape of the tensor according to the desired dimensions.
if the shape is 1 more and at dimension 0 there is nothing then drop it.
if the shape is 1 less then add a dimension at the start.
else raise an Exception
Linearizes the SDE (with fixed diffusion) on the basis of the Gaussian over states.
Note: this currently only works for sde with a state dimension of 1.
..math:: q(cdot) sim N(q_{mean}, q_{covar})
..math:: A_{i}^{*} = (E_{q(.)}[d f(x)/ dx]) * dt + I ..math:: b_{i}^{*} = (E_{q(.)}[f(x)] - A_{i}^{*} E_{q(.)}[x]) * dt
sde – SDE to be linearized.
transition_times – Transition_times, [num_transitions, ]
[num_transitions, ]
linearization_path – Gaussian of the states over transition times.
initial_state – Gaussian over the initial state.
the state-space model of the linearized SDE.
a first one denoted by p, that can be any arbitrary SDE.
a second which is linear, denoted by p_L, with a drift defined as f_L(x(t)) = A_L(t) x(t) + b_L(t)
Where the expectation is over a third distribution over path summarized by its mean (m) and covariance (S) for all times given by a Gaussian q.
0.5 * E_{q}[||f_L(x(t)) - f_p(x(t))||^{2}_{Σ^{-1}}].
This function corresponds to the expected log density ratio: E_q log [p_L || p].
When the linear drift is of q, then the function returns the KL[q || p].
The function assumes that both the SDEs have same diffusion.
Gaussian quadrature method is used to approximate the expectation and integral over time is approximated as Riemann sum.
sde_p – SDE p.
linear_drift – Linear drift representing the drift of the second SDE.
q – Gaussian states of the path along which the drift difference is calculated.
dt – Time-step value, float.
quadrature_pnts – Number of quadrature points used.
Note: Batching isn’t supported.