Source code for markovflow.sde.sde_utils

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"""Utility functions for SDE"""

import tensorflow as tf

from gpflow.base import TensorType
from gpflow.quadrature import NDiagGHQuadrature
from gpflow.probability_distributions import Gaussian

from markovflow.sde import SDE
from markovflow.state_space_model import StateSpaceModel
from markovflow.sde.drift import LinearDrift

[docs]def euler_maruyama(sde: SDE, x0: tf.Tensor, time_grid: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """ Numerical Simulation of SDEs of type: dx(t) = f(x,t)dt + L(x,t)dB(t) using the Euler-Maruyama Method. ..math:: x(t+1) = x(t) + f(x,t)dt + L(x,t)*sqrt(dt*q)*N(0,I) :param sde: Object of SDE class :param x0: state at start time, t0, with shape ```[num_batch, state_dim]``` :param time_grid: A homogeneous time grid for simulation, ```[num_transitions, ]``` :return: Simulated SDE values, ```[num_batch, num_transitions+1, state_dim]``` Note: evaluation time grid is [t0, tn], x0 value is appended for t0 time. Thus, simulated values are (num_transitions+1). """ DTYPE = x0.dtype num_time_points = time_grid.shape[0] state_dim = x0.shape[-1] num_batch = x0.shape[0] f = sde.drift l = sde.diffusion def _step(current_state_time, next_state_time): x, t = current_state_time _, t_next = next_state_time dt = t_next[0] - t[0] # As time grid is homogeneous diffusion_term = tf.cast(l(x, t) * tf.math.sqrt(dt), dtype=DTYPE) x_next = x + f(x, t) * dt + tf.squeeze(diffusion_term @ tf.random.normal(x.shape, dtype=DTYPE)[..., None], axis=-1) return x_next, t_next # [num_data, batch_shape, state_dim] for tf.scan sde_values = tf.zeros((num_time_points, num_batch, state_dim), dtype=DTYPE) # Adding time for batches for tf.scan t0 = tf.zeros((num_batch, 1), dtype=DTYPE) time_grid = tf.reshape(time_grid, (-1, 1, 1)) time_grid = tf.repeat(time_grid, num_batch, axis=1) sde_values, _ = tf.scan(_step, (sde_values, time_grid), (x0, t0)) # [batch_shape, num_data, state_dim] sde_values = tf.transpose(sde_values, [1, 0, 2]) # Appending the initial value sde_values = tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(x0, axis=1), sde_values[..., :-1, :]], axis=1) shape_constraints = [ (sde_values, [num_batch, num_time_points, state_dim]), (x0, [num_batch, state_dim]), ] tf.debugging.assert_shapes(shape_constraints) return sde_values
[docs]def handle_tensor_shape(tensor: tf.Tensor, desired_dimensions=2): """ Handle shape of the tensor according to the desired dimensions. * if the shape is 1 more and at dimension 0 there is nothing then drop it. * if the shape is 1 less then add a dimension at the start. * else raise an Exception """ tensor_shape = tensor._shape_as_list() if len(tensor_shape) == desired_dimensions: return tensor elif (len(tensor_shape) == (desired_dimensions + 1)) and tensor_shape[0] == 1: return tf.squeeze(tensor, axis=0) elif len(tensor_shape) == (desired_dimensions - 1): return tf.expand_dims(tensor, axis=0) else: raise Exception("Batch present!")
[docs]def linearize_sde( sde: SDE, transition_times: TensorType, linearization_path: Gaussian, initial_state: Gaussian, ) -> StateSpaceModel: """ Linearizes the SDE (with fixed diffusion) on the basis of the Gaussian over states. Note: this currently only works for sde with a state dimension of 1. ..math:: q(\cdot) \sim N(q_{mean}, q_{covar}) ..math:: A_{i}^{*} = (E_{q(.)}[d f(x)/ dx]) * dt + I ..math:: b_{i}^{*} = (E_{q(.)}[f(x)] - A_{i}^{*} E_{q(.)}[x]) * dt :param sde: SDE to be linearized. :param transition_times: Transition_times, ``[num_transitions, ]`` :param linearization_path: Gaussian of the states over transition times. :param initial_state: Gaussian over the initial state. :return: the state-space model of the linearized SDE. """ assert sde.state_dim == 1 q_mean = handle_tensor_shape(, desired_dimensions=3) # (B, N, D) q_covar = handle_tensor_shape(linearization_path.cov, desired_dimensions=4) # (B, N, D, D) initial_mean = handle_tensor_shape(, desired_dimensions=2) # (B, D, ) initial_chol_covariance = handle_tensor_shape(tf.linalg.cholesky(initial_state.cov), desired_dimensions=3) # (B, D, D) B, N, D = q_mean.shape assert q_mean.shape == (B, N, D) assert q_covar.shape == (B, N, D, D) assert initial_mean.shape == (B, D,) assert initial_chol_covariance.shape == (B, D, D) E_f = sde.expected_drift(q_mean, q_covar) E_x = q_mean A = sde.expected_gradient_drift(q_mean, q_covar) b = E_f - A * E_x A = tf.linalg.diag(A) q = sde.diffusion(q_mean, transition_times[:-1]) linear_drift = LinearDrift(A=A, b=b) linear_drift_ssm = linear_drift.to_ssm(q=q, transition_times=transition_times, initial_mean=initial_mean, initial_chol_covariance=initial_chol_covariance) return linear_drift_ssm
[docs]def squared_drift_difference_along_Gaussian_path(sde_p: SDE, linear_drift: LinearDrift, q: Gaussian, dt: float, quadrature_pnts: int = 20) -> tf.Tensor: """ Expected Square Drift difference between two SDEs * a first one denoted by p, that can be any arbitrary SDE. * a second which is linear, denoted by p_L, with a drift defined as f_L(x(t)) = A_L(t) x(t) + b_L(t) Where the expectation is over a third distribution over path summarized by its mean (m) and covariance (S) for all times given by a Gaussian `q`. Formally, the function calculates: 0.5 * E_{q}[||f_L(x(t)) - f_p(x(t))||^{2}_{Σ^{-1}}]. This function corresponds to the expected log density ratio: E_q log [p_L || p]. When the linear drift is of `q`, then the function returns the KL[q || p]. NOTE: 1. The function assumes that both the SDEs have same diffusion. Gaussian quadrature method is used to approximate the expectation and integral over time is approximated as Riemann sum. :param sde_p: SDE p. :param linear_drift: Linear drift representing the drift of the second SDE. :param q: Gaussian states of the path along which the drift difference is calculated. :param dt: Time-step value, float. :param quadrature_pnts: Number of quadrature points used. Note: Batching isn't supported. """ assert sde_p.state_dim == 1 m = handle_tensor_shape(, desired_dimensions=2) # (N, D) S = handle_tensor_shape(q.cov, desired_dimensions=3) # (N, D, D) A = linear_drift.A b = linear_drift.b assert m.shape[0] == S.shape[0] == A.shape[0] == b.shape[0] assert len(m.shape) == len(b.shape) == 2 assert len(A.shape) == len(S.shape) == 3 def func(x, t=None, A=A, b=b): # Adding N information x = tf.transpose(x, perm=[1, 0, 2]) n_pnts = x.shape[1] A = tf.repeat(A, n_pnts, axis=1) b = tf.repeat(b, n_pnts, axis=1) b = tf.expand_dims(b, axis=-1) prior_drift = sde_p.drift(x=x, t=t) tmp = ((x * A) + b) - prior_drift tmp = tmp * tmp sigma = sde_p.q val = tmp * (1 / sigma) return tf.transpose(val, perm=[1, 0, 2]) diag_quad = NDiagGHQuadrature(sde_p.state_dim, quadrature_pnts) drift_difference = diag_quad(func, m, tf.squeeze(S, axis=-1)) drift_difference = 0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(drift_difference) * dt return drift_difference