
Module containing a model for GP regression.

Module Contents

class GaussianProcessRegression(input_data: Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor], kernel: markovflow.kernels.SDEKernel, mean_function: Optional[markovflow.mean_function.MeanFunction] = None, chol_obs_covariance: Optional[gpflow.base.TensorType] = None)[source]

Bases: markovflow.models.models.MarkovFlowModel

Performs GP regression.

The key reference is Chapter 2 of:

Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning
Carl Edward Rasmussen and Christopher K. I. Williams
The MIT Press, 2006. ISBN 0-262-18253-X.

This class uses the kernel and the time points to create a state space model. GP regression is then a Kalman filter on that state space model using the observations.

  • kernel – A kernel defining a prior over functions.

  • input_data – A tuple of (time_points, observations) containing the observed data: time points of observations, with shape batch_shape + [num_data], observations with shape batch_shape + [num_data, observation_dim].

  • chol_obs_covariance – A TensorType containing the Cholesky factor of the observation noise covariance, with shape [observation_dim, observation_dim]. a default None value will assume independent likelihood variance of 1.0

  • mean_function – The mean function for the GP. Defaults to no mean function.

property time_pointstf.Tensor[source]

Return the time points of observations.


A tensor with shape batch_shape + [num_data].

property observationstf.Tensor[source]

Return the observations.


A tensor with shape batch_shape + [num_data, observation_dim].

property kernelmarkovflow.kernels.SDEKernel[source]

Return the kernel of the GP.

property mean_functionmarkovflow.mean_function.MeanFunction[source]

Return the mean function of the GP.


Return the loss, which is the negative log likelihood.

property posteriormarkovflow.posterior.PosteriorProcess[source]

Obtain a posterior process for inference.

For this class, this is the AnalyticPosteriorProcess built from the Kalman filter.


Calculate the log likelihood of the observations given the kernel parameters.

In other words, \(log p(y_{1...T} | ϑ)\) for some parameters \(ϑ\).


A scalar tensor (summed over the batch shape and the whole trajectory).