Source code for markovflow.utils

# Copyright (c) 2021 The Markovflow Contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Module containing utility functions."""
from functools import wraps
from typing import List, Optional

import tensorflow as tf
from gpflow import default_float
from tensorflow.compat.v1.linalg import (

from markovflow.base import auto_namescope_enabled

[docs]def tf_scope_fn_decorator(fn): """ Decorator to wrap the function call in a name_scope of the form ".{name of function}". The prefix `.` is required because names_scopes cannot be prefixed with `_`. Without this some function names (such as private functions) would raise an error. """ if not auto_namescope_enabled(): return fn @wraps(fn) def decorated_fn(*args, **kwargs): with tf.name_scope(f".{fn.__name__}"): return fn(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_fn
[docs]def tf_scope_class_decorator(cls): """ Decorator to wrap all the methods in a class in a name_scope of the form "{name of class}.{name of method}". Do not decorate the top level; TensorBoard renders badly if there is only one block. """ if not auto_namescope_enabled(): return cls def decorator(fn, scope_name): @wraps(fn) def decorated_fn(*args, **kwargs): with tf.name_scope(scope_name): return fn(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_fn for maybe_fn_name in cls.__dict__: if callable(getattr(cls, maybe_fn_name)): fn = getattr(cls, maybe_fn_name) setattr(cls, maybe_fn_name, decorator(fn, f"{cls.__name__}.{maybe_fn_name}")) return cls
[docs]def block_diag(matrices: List[tf.Tensor]) -> tf.Tensor: """ Construct block diagonal matrices from a list of batched 2D tensors. :param matrices: A list of tensors with shape ``[..., Nᵢ, Mᵢ]``. That is, a list of matrices with the same batch dimension. :return: A matrix with the input matrices stacked along its main diagonal, with shape ``[..., ∑ᵢ,Nᵢ, ∑ᵢ,Mᵢ]``. """ return LinearOperatorBlockDiag(LinearOperatorFullMatrix(m) for m in matrices).to_dense()
[docs]def to_delta_time(time_points: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """ Convert a tensor of time points to differences between the times. This function returns: .. math:: Δtₖ = tₖ₊₁ - tₖ Time points must be a strictly increasing vector, for example: .. math:: tₖ₊₁ > tₖ, so Δtₖ > 0 :param time_points: A tensor :math:`tₖ` with shape ``[..., a]``. :return: A tensor :math:`Δtₖ` with shape ``[..., a - 1]``. :raises InvalidArgumentError: Raises if :math:`Δtₖ ≤ 0`. """ delta_t = time_points[..., 1:] - time_points[..., :-1] tf.debugging.assert_greater_equal(delta_t, tf.constant(0.0, dtype=delta_t.dtype)) return tf.identity(delta_t)
[docs]def kronecker_product(matrices: List[tf.Tensor]) -> tf.Tensor: """ Return the tensor representing the Kronecker product of the argument matrices. :param matrices: The list of matrices to compute the Kronecker product from. :return: The Kronecker product tensor. """ return LinearOperatorKronecker([LinearOperatorFullMatrix(m) for m in matrices]).to_dense()
[docs]def augment_square_matrix(matrix: tf.Tensor, extra_dim: int, fill_zeros: bool = False) -> tf.Tensor: """ Augment a square matrix to match `state_dim + extra_dim`, where `state_dim` is the dimensionality of the inner square matrix of matrix. Effectively it creates a block diagonal by padding (if necessary) with an identity or zeros: .. math:: matrix -> [[matrix, 0s], [0s, (I or 0s)]] :param matrix: A tensor with shape ``[..., state_dim, state_dim]``. :param extra_dim: The extra dimension we want to augment it with. If `extra_dim` is :math:`0`, the matrix remains unaltered. :param fill_zeros: Whether to fill with zeros or identity. :return: A tensor with shape ``[..., max_dim, max_dim]``, where `max_dim = state_dim + extra_dim`. """ scalar = 0 if fill_zeros else 1 batch_shape = tf.shape(matrix)[:-2] identity = tf.eye(extra_dim, batch_shape=batch_shape, dtype=default_float()) return block_diag([matrix, scalar * identity])
[docs]def augment_matrix(matrix: tf.Tensor, extra_dim: int) -> tf.Tensor: """ Augment a non-square matrix so that the last dimension becomes `state_dim + extra_dim`, where `state_dim` is the size of the last dimension of the matrix. Effectively it expands the matrix (if necessary) with zeros in the last dimension to match `max_dim = state_dim + extra_dim`. In other words: .. math:: matrix -> [matrix, 0s] :param matrix: A tensor with shape ``[..., state_dim]``. :param extra_dim: The extra dimension we want to augment it with. If `extra_dim` is :math:`0` the matrix remains unaltered. :return: A tensor with shape ``[..., max_dim]``, where `max_dim = state_dim + extra_dim`. """ shape = tf.shape(matrix)[:-1] zeros = tf.zeros(tf.concat([shape, [extra_dim]], axis=-1), dtype=default_float()) return tf.concat([matrix, zeros], axis=-1)
[docs]def batch_base_conditional( Kmn: tf.Tensor, Kmm: tf.Tensor, Knn: tf.Tensor, f: tf.Tensor, *, q_sqrt: Optional[tf.Tensor] = None, white=False, ): r""" Given a g1_n and g2_n, and distributions ps and qs such that p_n(g2_n) = N(g2_n; 0, Kmm) (independent of n) p_n(g1_n) = N(g1; 0, knn) p_n(g1_n | g2_n) = N(g1_n; knm (Kmm⁻¹) g2_n, knn - knm (Kmm⁻¹) kmn) And q_n(g2_n) = N(g2_n; f_n, q_sqrt_n q_sqrt_nᵀ) This method computes the means and (co)variances of q_n(g1_n) = ∫ q_n(g2_n) p_n(g1_n| g2_n) :param Kmn: [M, ..., N] :param Kmm: [M, M] :param Knn: [..., N, N] or N :param f: [M, N] :param q_sqrt: If this is a Tensor, it must have shape [N, M, M] (lower triangular) or [M, N] (diagonal) :param white: bool :return: [N,], [N,] """ # compute kernel stuff # get the leadings dims in Kmn to the front of the tensor # if Kmn has rank two, i.e. [M, N], this is the identity op. K = tf.rank(Kmn) perm = tf.concat( [ tf.reshape(tf.range(1, K - 1), [K - 2]), # leading dims (...) tf.reshape(0, [1]), # [M] tf.reshape(K - 1, [1]), ], 0, ) # [N] Kmn = tf.transpose(Kmn, perm) # [..., M, N] shape_constraints = [ (Kmn, [..., "M", "N"]), (Kmm, ["M", "M"]), (Knn, [..., "N"]), (f, ["M", "N"]), ] if q_sqrt is not None: shape_constraints.append( (q_sqrt, (["M", "N"] if q_sqrt.shape.ndims == 2 else ["N", "M", "M"])) ) tf.debugging.assert_shapes( shape_constraints, message="base_conditional() arguments " "[Note that this check verifies the shape of an alternative " "representation of Kmn. See the docs for the actual expected " "shape.]", ) leading_dims = tf.shape(Kmn)[:-2] Lm = tf.linalg.cholesky(Kmm) # [M, M] # Compute the projection matrix A Lm = tf.broadcast_to(Lm, tf.concat([leading_dims, tf.shape(Lm)], 0)) # [..., M, M] A = tf.linalg.triangular_solve(Lm, Kmn, lower=True) # [..., M, N] # compute the covariance due to the conditioning fvar = Knn - tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(A), -2) # [..., N] # another backsubstitution in the unwhitened case if not white: A = tf.linalg.triangular_solve(tf.linalg.adjoint(Lm), A, lower=False) # construct the conditional mean fmean = tf.reduce_sum(A * f, axis=0) # [N,] if q_sqrt is not None: q_sqrt_dims = q_sqrt.shape.ndims if q_sqrt_dims == 2: LTA = q_sqrt * A # [N, M] elif q_sqrt_dims == 3: L = tf.linalg.band_part(q_sqrt, -1, 0) # force lower triangle # [R, M, M] LTA = tf.einsum("nmo,on->mn", L, A) # [M, N] else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Bad dimension for q_sqrt: %s" % str(q_sqrt.shape.ndims)) fvar = fvar + tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(LTA), -2) # [N,] shape_constraints = [ (Kmn, [..., "M", "N"]), # tensor included again for M, N dimensions (fmean, [..., "N"]), (fvar, [..., "N"]), ] tf.debugging.assert_shapes(shape_constraints, message="base_conditional() return values") return fmean, fvar