Source code for markovflow.ssm_natgrad

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"""Module containing a natural gradient optimiser."""

from typing import Callable, List, Optional

import tensorflow as tf

from markovflow.ssm_gaussian_transformations import (
from markovflow.state_space_model import StateSpaceModel
from markovflow.utils import tf_scope_class_decorator

[docs]@tf_scope_class_decorator class SSMNaturalGradient(tf.optimizers.Optimizer): r""" Represents a natural gradient optimiser. It is also capable of updating parameters with momentum, as per the :class:`~tf.keras.optimizers.Adam` optimiser. To account for momentum we keep track of a running moving average for :math:`g̃` and the Fisher norm of :math:`g̃`, where :math:`g̃ = F⁻¹g` is the natural gradient. This is defined as the Euclidean gradient preconditioned by the inverse Fisher information matrix. The Fisher norm of the natural gradient is given by: .. math:: |g̃|_F = g̃ᵀFg̃ = gᵀF⁻¹Fg̃ = gᵀg̃ ...which is the inner product between the natural gradient and the Euclidean gradient. The moving average for the natural gradient and its norm are given by: .. math:: &mₖ₊₁ = β₁ mₖ + (1 - β₁)g̃ₖ\\ &vₖ₊₁ = β₂ vₖ + (1 - β₂)|g̃|ₖ The final update is given by: .. math:: &θ̃ₖ₊₁ = θ̃ₖ - γ mₖ / (√vₖ + ε) \verb|(in the momentum case)|\\ &θ̃ₖ₊₁ = θ̃ₖ - γ g̃ₖ \verb|(if we don't have momentum)| """ def __init__( self, gamma: float = 0.1, momentum: bool = True, beta1: float = 0.9, beta2: float = 0.99, epsilon: float = 1e-08, name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ :param gamma: The learning rate of the optimiser. :param momentum: Whether to update with momentum or not. :param beta1: The momentum parameter for the moving average of the natural gradient. :param beta2: The momentum parameter for the moving average of the norm of natural gradient. :param epsilon: A small constant to make sure we do not divide by :math:`0` in the momentum term. :param name: Optional name to give the optimiser. """ name = self.__class__.__name__ if name is None else name super().__init__(name) self.gamma = gamma self._momentum = momentum self._beta1 = beta1 self._beta2 = beta2 self._epsilon = epsilon # Create the moving average buffers self._ms: List[tf.Variable] = [] self._v = tf.Variable(0.0, dtype=tf.float64, trainable=False) self._step_counter = tf.Variable(1, dtype=tf.float64, trainable=False) self._effective_lr = tf.Variable(gamma, trainable=False) # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def minimize(self, loss_fn: Callable, ssm: StateSpaceModel) -> None: """ Minimise the objective function of the model. Note the natural gradient optimiser works with variational parameters only. :param loss_fn: The Loss function. :param ssm: A state space model that represents our variational posterior. """ if not self._ms: self._ms = [ tf.Variable(tf.zeros(tf.shape(x), dtype=tf.float64), trainable=False) for x in ssm_to_expectations(ssm) ] self._natgrad_steps(loss_fn, ssm)
[docs] def _natgrad_steps(self, loss_fn: Callable, ssm: StateSpaceModel): """ Call a natgrad step after wrapping it in a name scope. :param loss_fn: A Loss function. :param ssm: A state space model that represents our variational posterior. """ with tf.name_scope(f"{self._name}/natural_gradient_steps"): self._natgrad_step(loss_fn, ssm)
[docs] def _natgrad_step(self, loss_fn: Callable, ssm: StateSpaceModel): """ Implements equation [10] from @inproceedings{salimbeni18, title={Natural Gradients in Practice: Non-Conjugate Variational Inference in Gaussian Process Models}, author={Salimbeni, Hugh and Eleftheriadis, Stefanos and Hensman, James}, booktitle={AISTATS}, year={2018} In addition, for convenience with the rest of MarkovFlow, this code computes ∂L/∂η using the chain rule: g̃ = ∂L/∂η = [(∂L / ∂[ssm_variables])(∂[ssm_variables] / ∂η)]ᵀ In the code η = eta, θ = theta. :param loss_fn: Loss function. :param ssm: A state space model that represents our variational posterior. """ with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True, watch_accessed_variables=False) as tape: loss = loss_fn() # the expectation parameterization as function of the ssm parameters etas = ssm_to_expectations(ssm) # we need these to calculate the relevant gradients ssm_params = expectations_to_ssm_params(*etas) # the natural parameterization as function of the ssm parameters thetas = ssm_to_naturals(ssm) if self._momentum: # Get ∂L/∂θ via the chain rule. We need that to compute the norm of the natgrad ssm_params_2 = naturals_to_ssm_params(*thetas) # 1) the oridinary gradient dL_dAs, dL_doffsets, dL_dchol_P0, dL_dchol_Qs, dL_dmu0 = tape.gradient( loss, ssm.trainable_variables ) dL_dchol_P0 = ssm.cholesky_initial_covariance.transform.forward(dL_dchol_P0) dL_dchol_Qs = ssm.cholesky_process_covariances.transform.forward(dL_dchol_Qs) dL_dssm = (dL_dAs, dL_doffsets, dL_dchol_P0, dL_dchol_Qs, dL_dmu0) # 2) the chain rule to get ∂L/∂η, where η (eta) are the expectation parameters dL_detas = tape.gradient(ssm_params, etas, output_gradients=dL_dssm) if self._momentum: # the chain rule to get ∂L/∂θ, where θ (theta) are the natural parameters dL_dthetas = tape.gradient(ssm_params_2, thetas, output_gradients=dL_dssm) del tape # Remove "persitent" tape # momentum if self._momentum: # adjust learning rate to debias momemtum... lr = ( self.gamma * tf.sqrt(1.0 - self._beta2 ** self._step_counter) / (1.0 - self._beta1 ** self._step_counter) ) # get the moving average for the natural gradients ms_new = [m * self._beta1 + (1.0 - self._beta1) * g for m, g in zip(self._ms, dL_detas)] # get moving average for the norm of the natural gradients natgrad_norm_components = [tf.reduce_sum(g * gt) for g, gt in zip(dL_detas, dL_dthetas)] natgrad_norm_components[-1] = natgrad_norm_components[-1] * 2.0 natgrad_norm = tf.reduce_sum(natgrad_norm_components) v_new = self._v * self._beta2 + (1.0 - self._beta2) * natgrad_norm # perform natural gradient descent on the θ parameters thetas_new = [ theta - lr * m / (tf.sqrt(v_new) + self._epsilon) for theta, m in zip(thetas, ms_new) ] _ = [ mov.assign(mov_new) for mov, mov_new in zip(self._ms + [self._v], ms_new + [v_new]) ] self._step_counter.assign_add(1) effective_lr = lr / (tf.sqrt(v_new) + self._epsilon) self._effective_lr = effective_lr else: thetas_new = [theta - self.gamma * dL_deta for theta, dL_deta in zip(thetas, dL_detas)] # Transform back to the model ssm parameters As_new, offsets_new, chol_P0_new, chol_Qs_new, mu0_new = naturals_to_ssm_params(*thetas_new) chol_P0_new = ssm.cholesky_initial_covariance.transform.inverse(chol_P0_new) chol_Qs_new = ssm.cholesky_process_covariances.transform.inverse(chol_Qs_new) ssm_params_new = (As_new, offsets_new, chol_P0_new, chol_Qs_new, mu0_new) _ = [v.assign(var_new) for v, var_new in zip(ssm.trainable_variables, ssm_params_new)]
[docs] def get_config(self): """Return a Python dictionary containing the configuration of the optimiser.""" config = super().get_config() config.update( { "gamma": self._serialize_hyperparameter("gamma"), "beta1": self._serialize_hyperparameter("beta1"), "beta2": self._serialize_hyperparameter("beta2"), "epsilon": self._serialize_hyperparameter("epsilon"), "momentum": self._serialize_hyperparameter("momentum"), } ) return config
[docs] def _resource_apply_dense(self, grad, handle, apply_state): # After bumping to TF2.2, PyLint started thinking that this method was abstract in the # Optimizers class (despite the fact that it has a trivial implementation). We reproduce # the trivial implementation to get around this. raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def _resource_apply_sparse(self, grad, handle, indices, apply_state): # After bumping to TF2.2, PyLint started thinking that this method was abstract in the # Optimizers class (despite the fact that it has a trivial implementation). We reproduce # the trivial implementation to get around this. raise NotImplementedError()