Source code for markovflow.sde.sde

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from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import tensorflow as tf
from gpflow.quadrature import mvnquad

[docs]class SDE(ABC): """ Abstract class representing Stochastic Differential Equation. ..math:: &dx(t)/dt = f(x(t),t) + l(x(t),t) w(t) """ def __init__(self, state_dim=1): """ :param state_dim: The output dimension of the kernel. """ self._state_dim = state_dim @property
[docs] def state_dim(self) -> int: """ Return the state dimension of the sde. """ return self._state_dim
[docs] def drift(self, x: tf.Tensor, t: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """ Drift function of the SDE i.e. `f(x(t),t)` :param x: state at `t` i.e. `x(t)` with shape ``(n_batch, state_dim)``. :param t: time `t` with shape ``(n_batch, state_dim)``. :return: Drift value i.e. `f(x(t), t)` with shape ``(n_batch, state_dim)``. :raises NotImplementedError: Must be implemented in derived classes. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def diffusion(self, x: tf.Tensor, t: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """ Diffusion function of the SDE i.e. `l(x(t),t)` :param x: state at `t` i.e. `x(t)` with shape ``(n_batch, state_dim)``. :param t: time `t` with shape ``(n_batch, 1)``. :return: Diffusion value i.e. `l(x(t), t)` with shape ``(n_batch, state_dim, state_dim)``. :raises NotImplementedError: Must be implemented in derived classes. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def gradient_drift(self, x: tf.Tensor, t: tf.Tensor = tf.zeros((1, 1))) -> tf.Tensor: """ Calculates the gradient of the drift wrt the states x(t). ..math:: df(x(t))/dx(t) :param x: states with shape (num_states, state_dim). :param t: time of states with shape (num_states, 1), defaults to zero. :return: the gradient of the SDE drift with shape (num_states, state_dim). """ with tf.GradientTape() as tape: drift_val = self.drift(x, t) dfx = tape.gradient(drift_val, x) return dfx
[docs] def expected_drift(self, q_mean: tf.Tensor, q_covar: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """ Calculates the Expectation of the drift under the provided Gaussian over states. ..math:: E_q(x(t))[f(x(t))] :param q_mean: mean of Gaussian over states with shape (n_batch, num_states, state_dim). :param q_covar: covariance of Gaussian over states with shape (n_batch, num_states, state_dim, state_dim). :return: the expectation value with shape (n_batch, num_states, state_dim). """ fx = lambda x: self.drift(x=x, t=tf.zeros(x.shape[0], 1)) n_batch, n_states, state_dim = q_mean.shape q_mean = tf.reshape(q_mean, (-1, state_dim)) q_covar = tf.reshape(q_covar, (-1, state_dim, state_dim)) val = mvnquad(fx, q_mean, q_covar, H=10) val = tf.reshape(val, (n_batch, n_states, state_dim)) return val
[docs] def expected_gradient_drift(self, q_mean: tf.Tensor, q_covar: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """ Calculates the Expectation of the gradient of the drift under the provided Gaussian over states ..math:: E_q(.)[f'(x(t))] :param q_mean: mean of Gaussian over states with shape (n_batch, num_states, state_dim). :param q_covar: covariance of Gaussian over states with shape (n_batch, num_states, state_dim, state_dim). :return: the expectation value with shape (n_batch, num_states, state_dim). """ n_batch, n_states, state_dim = q_mean.shape q_mean = tf.reshape(q_mean, (-1, state_dim)) q_covar = tf.reshape(q_covar, (-1, state_dim, state_dim)) val = mvnquad(self.gradient_drift, q_mean, q_covar, H=10) val = tf.reshape(val, (n_batch, n_states, state_dim)) return val
[docs]class OrnsteinUhlenbeckSDE(SDE): """ Ornstein-Uhlenbeck SDE represented by ..math:: dx(t) = -λ x(t) dt + dB(t), the spectral density of the Brownian motion is specified by q. """ def __init__(self, decay: tf.Tensor, q: tf.Tensor = tf.ones((1, 1))): """ Initialize the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck SDE. :param decay: λ, a tensor with shape ``(1, 1)``. :param q: spectral density of the Brownian motion ``(state_dim, state_dim)``. """ super(OrnsteinUhlenbeckSDE, self).__init__(state_dim=q.shape[0]) self.decay = decay self.q = q
[docs] def drift(self, x: tf.Tensor, t: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """ Drift of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process ..math:: f(x(t), t) = -λ x(t) :param x: state at `t` i.e. `x(t)` with shape ``(n_batch, state_dim)``. :param t: time `t` with shape ``(n_batch, 1)``. :return: Drift value i.e. `f(x(t), t)` with shape ``(n_batch, state_dim)``. """ assert x.shape[-1] == self.state_dim return -self.decay * x
[docs] def diffusion(self, x: tf.Tensor, t: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """ Diffusion of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process ..math:: l(x(t), t) = sqrt(q) :param x: state at `t` i.e. `x(t)` with shape ``(n_batch, state_dim)``. :param t: time `t` with shape ``(n_batch, 1)``. :return: Diffusion value i.e. `l(x(t), t)` with shape ``(n_batch, state_dim, state_dim)``. """ assert x.shape[-1] == self.state_dim return tf.ones_like(x[..., None]) * tf.linalg.cholesky(self.q)
[docs]class DoubleWellSDE(SDE): """ Double-Well SDE represented by ..math:: dx(t) = f(x(t)) dt + dB(t), where f(x(t)) = 4 x(t) (1 - x(t)^2) and the spectral density of the Brownian motion is specified by q. """ def __init__(self, q: tf.Tensor = tf.ones((1, 1))): """ Initialize the Double-Well SDE. :param q: spectral density of the Brownian motion ``(state_dim, state_dim)``. """ super(DoubleWellSDE, self).__init__(state_dim=q.shape[0]) self.q = q
[docs] def drift(self, x: tf.Tensor, t: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """ Drift of the double-well process ..math:: f(x(t), t) = 4 x(t) (1 - x(t)^2) :param x: state at `t` i.e. `x(t)` with shape ``(n_batch, state_dim)``. :param t: time `t` with shape ``(n_batch, 1)``. :return: Drift value i.e. `f(x(t), t)` with shape ``(n_batch, state_dim)``. """ assert x.shape[-1] == self.state_dim return 4.0 * x * (1.0 - tf.square(x))
[docs] def diffusion(self, x: tf.Tensor, t: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """ Diffusion of the double-well process ..math:: l(x(t), t) = sqrt(q) :param x: state at `t` i.e. `x(t)` with shape ``(n_batch, state_dim)``. :param t: time `t` with shape ``(n_batch, 1)``. :return: Diffusion value i.e. `l(x(t), t)` with shape ``(n_batch, state_dim, state_dim)``. """ assert x.shape[-1] == self.state_dim return tf.ones_like(x[..., None]) * tf.linalg.cholesky(self.q)