Source code for markovflow.sde.drift

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"""Module containing classes for different drifts."""
import tensorflow as tf
from gpflow.base import TensorType

from markovflow.state_space_model import StateSpaceModel
import markovflow.sde.sde_utils as utils

[docs]class LinearDrift: """ A linear drift of the form, f(x_t, t) = A_t * x_t + b_t. """ def __init__(self, A: TensorType = None, b: TensorType = None): """ Initialize the linear drift with the parameters A and b defining it as f(x_t, t) = A_t * x_t + b_t. :param A: `A` parameter of the linear drift with shape `batch_shape + [num_transitions, state_dim, state_dim]`` :param b: `b` parameter of the linear drift with shape `batch_shape + [num_transitions, state_dim]` """ self.A = A self.b = b
[docs] def set_from_ssm(self, ssm: StateSpaceModel, dt: float): """ Approximately converts a StateSpaceModel into a linear drift of the form: f(x(t), t) = A(t) * x(t) + b(t), Given the linear drift f(x(t), t) = A(t) * x(t) + b(t), of a continuous time SDE. The conditional distribution of two states x(t_{k+1}), x(t_{k}) is given by x(t_{k+1}) | x(t_{k}) = C_k x(t_{k}) + b_k + n_k, with C_k = exp( \int_{t_{k} < t < t_{k+1}} A(t) dt) and b_k = [C_k - I] A(t)^{-1} b(t). Taking the limit of small-time intervals ( dt = t_{k+1} - t_{k} -> 0). The first order Taylor expansion of the exponential for small-time intervals ( dt = t_{k+1} - t_{k} -> 0), gives the approximation: C_k ~= I + A(t_{k}) dt and b_k ~= b(t_{k}) dt Therefore, A = (SSM.state_transitions - I)/dt b = SSM.state_offsets / dt """ state_transitions = utils.handle_tensor_shape(ssm.state_transitions, desired_dimensions=3) state_offsets = utils.handle_tensor_shape(ssm.state_offsets, desired_dimensions=2) self.A = (state_transitions - tf.eye(ssm.state_dim, dtype=state_offsets.dtype)) / dt self.b = state_offsets / dt
[docs] def to_ssm(self, q: TensorType, transition_times: TensorType, initial_mean: TensorType, initial_chol_covariance: TensorType): """ Approximately converts a linear drift SDE of the form: f(x(t), t) = A(t) * x(t) + b(t) to a StateSpaceModel. For details, look into the docstring of `set_from_ssm` function. SSM.state_transitions = (A + I) * dt SSM.state_offsets = b * dt """ if self.A is None or self.b is None: raise Exception("Linear drift is empty so SSM can't be created!") self.A = utils.handle_tensor_shape(self.A, desired_dimensions=4) # (B, N, D, D) self.b = utils.handle_tensor_shape(self.b, desired_dimensions=3) # (B, N, D) transition_times = utils.handle_tensor_shape(transition_times, desired_dimensions=1) # (N+1, ) q = utils.handle_tensor_shape(q, desired_dimensions=4) # (B, N, D, D) initial_mean = utils.handle_tensor_shape(initial_mean, desired_dimensions=2) # (B, D, ) initial_chol_covariance = utils.handle_tensor_shape(initial_chol_covariance, desired_dimensions=3) # (B, D, D) B, N, D = self.b .shape assert self.A.shape == (B, N, D, D) assert self.b.shape == (B, N, D) assert transition_times.shape == (N+1, ) assert initial_mean.shape == (B, D,) assert initial_chol_covariance.shape == (B, D, D) assert q.shape == (B, N, D, D) transition_deltas = tf.reshape(transition_times[1:] - transition_times[:-1], (1, -1, 1)) state_transitions = self.A * tf.expand_dims(transition_deltas, -1) + tf.eye(self.A.shape[-1], dtype=self.A.dtype) state_offsets = self.b * transition_deltas chol_process_covariances = q * tf.expand_dims( tf.sqrt(transition_deltas), axis=-1 ) return StateSpaceModel( initial_mean=initial_mean, chol_initial_covariance=initial_chol_covariance, state_transitions=state_transitions, state_offsets=state_offsets, chol_process_covariances=chol_process_covariances,