Source code for markovflow.models.variational

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"""Module containing a model for variational inference, for GP classification."""
from typing import Optional, Tuple

import tensorflow as tf
from gpflow.likelihoods import Likelihood

from markovflow.gauss_markov import GaussMarkovDistribution
from markovflow.kernels import SDEKernel
from markovflow.mean_function import MeanFunction, ZeroMeanFunction
from markovflow.models.models import MarkovFlowModel
from markovflow.posterior import AnalyticPosteriorProcess, PosteriorProcess

[docs]class VariationalGaussianProcess(MarkovFlowModel): """ Approximates a :class:`~markovflow.gauss_markov.GaussMarkovDistribution` with a general likelihood using a Gaussian posterior. The following notation is used: * :math:`x` - the time points of the training data * :math:`y` - observations corresponding to time points :math:`x` * :math:`s(.)` - the latent state of the Markov chain * :math:`f(.)` - the noise free predictions of the model * :math:`p(y | f)` - the likelihood * :math:`p(.)` - the true distribution * :math:`q(.)` - the variational distribution Subscript is used to denote dependence for notational convenience, for example :math:`fₖ === f(k)`. With a prior generative model comprising a Gauss-Markov distribution, an emission model and an arbitrary likelihood on the emitted variables, these define: * :math:`p(xₖ₊₁| xₖ)` * :math:`fₖ = H xₖ` * :math:`p(yₖ | fₖ)` We would like to approximate the posterior of this generative model with a parametric model :math:`q`, comprising of the same distribution as the prior. To approximate the posterior, we maximise the evidence lower bound (ELBO) :math:`ℒ` with respect to the parameters of the variational distribution, since: .. math:: log p(y) = ℒ(q) + KL[q ‖ p(f | y)] ...where: .. math:: ℒ(q) = ∫ log(p(f, y) / q(f)) q(f) df Since the last term is non-negative, the ELBO provides a lower bound to the log-likelihood of the model. This bound is exact when :math:`KL[q ‖ p(f | y)] = 0`; that is, our approximation is sufficiently flexible to capture the true posterior. This turns the inference into an optimisation problem: find the optional :math:`q`. To calculate the ELBO, we rewrite it as: .. math:: ℒ(q) = Σᵢ ∫ log(p(yᵢ | f)) q(f) df - KL[q(f) ‖ p(f)] The first term is the 'variational expectation' of the model likelihood; the second is the KL from the prior to the approximation. """ def __init__( self, input_data: Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor], kernel: SDEKernel, likelihood: Likelihood, mean_function: Optional[MeanFunction] = None, initial_distribution: Optional[GaussMarkovDistribution] = None, ) -> None: """ :param input_data: A tuple of ``(time_points, observations)`` containing the observed data: time points of observations, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_data]``, observations with shape ``batch_shape + [num_data, observation_dim]``. :param kernel: A kernel that defines a prior over functions. :param likelihood: A likelihood. :param mean_function: The mean function for the GP. Defaults to no mean function. :param initial_distribution: An initial configuration for the variational distribution, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_inducing]``. """ super().__init__(self.__class__.__name__) time_points, observations = input_data # To collect kernel and mean function tf.Module trainable_variables self._kernel = kernel if mean_function is None: mean_function = ZeroMeanFunction(obs_dim=1) self._mean_function = mean_function self._likelihood = likelihood self._time_points = time_points self._observations = observations if initial_distribution is None: initial_distribution = kernel.build_finite_distribution(time_points) # q will approximate the posterior after optimisation. # This needs to be an instance attribute to provide trainable variables # when calling tf.Module trainable_variables. This is fine though, since # StateSpaceModel doesn't do any computation in its initialiser. self._dist_q = initial_distribution.create_trainable_copy() self._posterior = AnalyticPosteriorProcess( posterior_dist=self._dist_q, kernel=self._kernel, conditioning_time_points=self._time_points, likelihood=self._likelihood, mean_function=self._mean_function, )
[docs] def elbo(self) -> tf.Tensor: """ Calculate the evidence lower bound (ELBO) :math:`log p(y)`. We rewrite the ELBO as: .. math:: ℒ(q(x)) = Σᵢ ∫ log(p(yᵢ | fₓ)) q(fₓ) df - KL[q(sₓ) ‖ p(sₓ)] The first term is the 'variational expectation' (VE); the second is the KL divergence from the prior to the approximation. :return: A scalar tensor (summed over the batch_shape dimension) representing the ELBO. """ # s ~ q(s) = N(μ, P) # Project to function space, fₓ = H*s ~ q(fₓ) fx_mus, fx_covs = self.posterior.predict_f(self._time_points) # VE(fₓ) = Σᵢ ∫ log(p(yᵢ | fₓ)) q(fₓ) dfₓ ve_fx = tf.reduce_sum( input_tensor=self._likelihood.variational_expectations( fx_mus, fx_covs, self._observations ) ) # KL[q(sₓ) || p(sₓ)] kl_fx = tf.reduce_sum(self.dist_q.kl_divergence(self.dist_p)) # Return ELBO(fₓ) = VE(fₓ) - KL[q(sₓ) || p(sₓ)] return ve_fx - kl_fx
[docs] def time_points(self) -> tf.Tensor: """ Return the time points of our observations. :return: A tensor with shape ``batch_shape + [num_data]``. """ return self._time_points
[docs] def observations(self) -> tf.Tensor: """ Return the observations. :return: A tensor with shape ``batch_shape + [num_data, observation_dim]``. """ return self._observations
[docs] def kernel(self) -> SDEKernel: """ Return the kernel of the GP. """ return self._kernel
[docs] def likelihood(self) -> Likelihood: """ Return the likelihood of the GP. """ return self._likelihood
[docs] def mean_function(self) -> MeanFunction: """ Return the mean function of the GP. """ return self._mean_function
[docs] def dist_p(self) -> GaussMarkovDistribution: """ Return the prior Gauss-Markov distribution. """ return self._kernel.build_finite_distribution(self._time_points)
[docs] def dist_q(self) -> GaussMarkovDistribution: """ Return the variational distribution as a Gauss-Markov distribution. """ return self._dist_q
[docs] def posterior(self) -> PosteriorProcess: """ Obtain a posterior process for inference. For this class this is the :class:`~markovflow.posterior.AnalyticPosteriorProcess` built from the variational distribution. This will be a locally optimal variational approximation of the posterior after optimisation. """ return self._posterior
[docs] def loss(self) -> tf.Tensor: """ Return the loss, which is the negative ELBO. """ return -self.elbo()