Source code for markovflow.likelihoods.mutlistage_likelihood

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""" Module containing the MultiStageLikelihood """

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
from gpflow.likelihoods import Bernoulli, MultiLatentLikelihood, Poisson
from gpflow.likelihoods.utils import inv_probit

[docs]class MultiStageLikelihood(MultiLatentLikelihood): r""" The Multistage Likelihood as described in @inproceedings{seeger2016bayesian, title={Bayesian intermittent demand forecasting for large inventories}, author={Seeger, Matthias W and Salinas, David and Flunkert, Valentin}, booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems}, pages={4646--4654}, year={2016} } This relates scalar data y to variables F = [F0, F1, F2] through the log-conditional density log p(Y|F) = δ(Y=0) * log σ(F0) + δ(Y=1) * (log(1 - σ(F0)) + log σ(F1)) + δ(Y>1) * (log(1 - σ(F0)) + log(1-σ(F1)) + log Poisson(Y-2|λ(F2))) This can be interpreted as a decision tree σ(F0) -> Y = 0 / root -> 1-σ(F0) -> 1-σ(F1) -> Y ~ Poisson(λ(F2)) + 2 \ σ(F1) -> Y = 1 """ def __init__(self, invlink_bernoulli=inv_probit, invlink_poisson=tf.exp, **kwargs): super().__init__(latent_dim=3, **kwargs) self.invlink_bernoulli = invlink_bernoulli self.invlink_poisson = invlink_poisson
[docs] def _split_f(self, F): """ Splits the input tensor F into 3 tensors along the last dimension :param F: tensor of shape [..., 3] :return: tuple of 3 tensors of shape [..., 1] """ F0 = F[..., 0:1] F1 = F[..., 1:2] F2 = F[..., 2:3] return (F0, F1, F2)
[docs] def _log_prob(self, F, Y): """ Return the log-conditional density log p(Y|F) = δ(Y=0) * log σ(F0) + δ(Y=1) * (log(1 - σ(F0)) + log σ(F1)) + δ(Y>1) * (log(1 - σ(F0)) + log(1-σ(F1)) + log Poisson(Y-2|λ(F2))) :param F: tensor of shape [..., 3] :param Y: tensor of shape [..., 1] :return: tensor of shape [...] """ F0, F1, F2 = self._split_f(F) # flags true = tf.ones_like(Y) false = tf.zeros_like(Y) bern = Bernoulli(invlink=self.invlink_bernoulli) poisson = Poisson(invlink=self.invlink_poisson) lp0 = bern.log_prob(F0, true)[:, None] # log σ(F0) lpn0 = bern.log_prob(F0, false)[:, None] # log(1 - σ(F0)) lp1 = bern.log_prob(F1, true)[:, None] # log σ(F1) lpn1 = bern.log_prob(F1, false)[:, None] # log(1 - σ(F1)) lp2 = poisson.log_prob(F2, Y - 2)[:, None] # log Poisson(Y-2|λ(F2)) zeros = tf.zeros_like(Y) logp = ( tf.where(tf.equal(Y, 0), lp0, zeros) + tf.where(tf.equal(Y, 1), lpn0 + lp1, zeros) + tf.where(tf.greater_equal(Y, 2), lpn0 + lpn1 + lp2, zeros) ) return tf.squeeze(logp, axis=-1)
[docs] def _variational_expectations(self, Fmu, Fvar, Y): """ Returns E_q(F) log p(Y|F) under the factored distribution q(F) = ∏ₖ q(Fₖ) = ∏ₖ 𝓝(Fmuₖ, Fvarₖ) E_q(F) log p(Y|F) = δ(Y=0) * E_q(F0) log σ(F0) + δ(Y=1) * (E_q(F0) log(1 - σ(F0)) + E_q(F1) log σ(F1)) + δ(Y>1) * (E_q(F0) log(1 - σ(F0)) + E_q(F1) log(1-σ(F1)) + E_q(F2) log Poisson(Y-2|λ(F2))) :param Fmu: mean function evaluation Tensor, with shape [..., latent_dim] :param Fvar: variance of function evaluation Tensor, with shape [..., latent_dim] :param Y: observation Tensor, with shape [..., observation_dim]: :returns: variational expectations, with shape [...] """ Fmu0, Fmu1, Fmu2 = self._split_f(Fmu) Fvar0, Fvar1, Fvar2 = self._split_f(Fvar) # flags true = tf.ones_like(Y) false = tf.zeros_like(Y) bern = Bernoulli(invlink=self.invlink_bernoulli) poisson = Poisson(invlink=self.invlink_poisson) ve0 = bern.variational_expectations(Fmu0, Fvar0, true)[:, None] # E_q(F0) log σ(F0) ven0 = bern.variational_expectations(Fmu0, Fvar0, false)[:, None] # E_q(F0) log(1 - σ(F0)) ve1 = bern.variational_expectations(Fmu1, Fvar1, true)[:, None] # E_q(F1) log σ(F1) ven1 = bern.variational_expectations(Fmu1, Fvar1, false)[:, None] # E_q(F1) log(1 - σ(F1)) # E_q(F2) log Poisson(Y-2|λ(F2)) ve2 = poisson.variational_expectations(Fmu2, Fvar2, Y - 2)[:, None] zeros = tf.zeros_like(Y) return tf.squeeze( ( tf.where(tf.equal(Y, 0), ve0, zeros) + tf.where(tf.equal(Y, 1), ven0 + ve1, zeros) + tf.where(tf.greater_equal(Y, 2), ven0 + ven1 + ve2, zeros) ), axis=-1,
[docs] def _predict_log_density(self, Fmu, Fvar, Y): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _predict_mean_and_var(self, Fmu, Fvar): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def sample_y(self, F_samples: tf.Tensor): """ Given values of the latent processes F, samples observations from P(Y|F) :param F_samples: batch_shape + [3] :return: batch_shape + [1] """ bern = Bernoulli(invlink=self.invlink_bernoulli) poisson = Poisson(invlink=self.invlink_poisson) F0, F1, F2 = self._split_f(F_samples) # Calculate rates for the 3 levels bern_rate0 = bern.invlink(F0) bern_rate1 = bern.invlink(F1) poiss_rate = poisson.invlink(F2) # Sample bernoullis and poisson eta0 = tfp.distributions.Bernoulli(probs=bern_rate0).sample() eta1 = tfp.distributions.Bernoulli(probs=bern_rate1).sample() lmbda = tfp.distributions.Poisson(rate=poiss_rate).sample() # Mask zeros = tf.zeros_like(eta0, dtype=F_samples.dtype) ones = tf.ones_like(eta0, dtype=F_samples.dtype) output_ones = tf.logical_and(tf.equal(eta0, 0), tf.equal(eta1, 1)) output_larger = tf.logical_and(tf.equal(eta0, 0), tf.equal(eta1, 0)) return tf.where(output_ones, ones, zeros) + tf.where(output_larger, lmbda + 2, zeros)