Source code for markovflow.likelihoods.likelihoods

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"""Module containing base classes for likelihoods."""

import abc
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Tuple

import gpflow
import tensorflow as tf

from markovflow.utils import tf_scope_fn_decorator

[docs]class Likelihood(tf.Module, abc.ABC): """ Abstract class for likelihoods. A likelihood defines the observation model relating the observed variables :math:`Y` to the latent variables :math:`F` of a generative model. The observation model is specified through its conditional density :math:`p(Y|F)`. In order to perform variational inference with non-Gaussian likelihoods, a 'variational expectation' should be computed under a Gaussian distribution :math:`q(F) ~ N(μ, Σ)`. This can be defined as: .. math:: ∫ q(F) log p(Y|F) dF Note that the predictive density: .. math:: ∫ q(F) p(Y|F) dF a useful metric to evaluate the quality of a Gaussian approximation :math:`q(F) ~ N(μ, Σ)` to the posterior density :math:`p(F|Y)`. .. note:: Implementations of this class should typically avoid performing computation in their `__init__` method. Performing computation in the constructor conflicts with running in TensorFlow's eager mode (and computation of gradients etc). """ @abstractmethod
[docs] def log_probability_density(self, fs: tf.Tensor, observations: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """ Compute the log probability density :math:`log p(Y|F)`. :param fs: A conditioning variable, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_data, obs_dim]``. :param observations: A conditioned variable, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_data, obs_dim]``. :return: A tensor representing :math:`log p(yᵢ | fᵢ)`, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_data]``. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def variational_expectations( self, f_means: tf.Tensor, f_covariances: tf.Tensor, observations: tf.Tensor ) -> tf.Tensor: """ Calculate a variational expectation for each observation: .. math:: ∫ log(p(yᵢ|fᵢ)) q(fᵢ) df ...where :math:`q(f) ~ N(μ, P)`. Note that :math:`p(y |f)` is defined by the type of likelihood function, as specified by the observation model. This term is used when calculating the evidence lower bound (ELBO): .. math:: ℒ(q) = Σᵢ ∫ log(p(yᵢ|fᵢ)) q(fᵢ) df - KL[q(F) ‖ p(F)] :param f_means: The marginal :math:`f` means for each state of the :class:`~markovflow.state_space_model.StateSpaceModel`, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_data, obs_dim]``. :param f_covariances: The marginal :math:`f` covariances for each state of the :class:`~markovflow.state_space_model.StateSpaceModel`, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_data, obs_dim, obs_dim]``. :param observations: The :math:`y` values at which to evaluate the log probability, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_data, obs_dim]``. :return: A tensor with shape ``batch_shape + [num_data]``. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def predict_density( self, f_means: tf.Tensor, f_covariances: tf.Tensor, observations: tf.Tensor ) -> tf.Tensor: """ Predict the density. That is, calculate :math:`∫ q(F) p(Y|F) dF` of a Gaussian approximation :math:`q(F) ~ N(μ, Σ)` to the posterior density :math:`p(F|Y)`. :param f_means: The marginal :math:`f` means for each state of the :class:`~markovflow.state_space_model.StateSpaceModel`, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_data, obs_dim]``. :param f_covariances: The marginal :math:`f` covariances for each state of the :class:`~markovflow.state_space_model.StateSpaceModel`, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_data, obs_dim, obs_dim]``. :param observations: The :math:`y` values at which to evaluate the log probability, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_data, obs_dim]``. :return: A tensor with shape ``batch_shape + [num_data]``. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def predict_mean_and_var( self, f_means: tf.Tensor, f_covariances: tf.Tensor ) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: """ Compute the means and covariances of the posterior predictive distribution over outputs :math:`y*` at :math:`x*`. The (in most case intractable) density is given by: .. math:: p(y* | x*, x, y) = ∫ p(y* | f*) p(f* | x*, x, y) df* ...where: * :math:`p(f* | x*, x, y)` is Gaussian with moments `f_means` and `f_covariances` * :math:`p(y* | f*)` is defined by the likelihood :param f_means: The marginal :math:`f` means for some arbitrary predicted time points, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_data, obs_dim]``. :param f_covariances: The marginal :math:`f` covariances for some arbitrary predicted time points, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_data, obs_dim, obs_dim]``. :return: A tuple of tensors containing observation means and covariances, with respective shapes ``batch_shape + [num_time_points, obs_dim]``, ``batch_shape + [num_time_points, obs_dim, obs_dim]``. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class PEPScalarLikelihood(gpflow.likelihoods.ScalarLikelihood): """ Wrapper around GPflow likelihoods, adding functionality to compute Power Expectation Propagation updates """ def __init__( self, base: gpflow.likelihoods.ScalarLikelihood, num_gauss_hermite_points=20, **kwargs ): """ :param base: base likelihood object :param num_gauss_hermite_points: number of Gauss-Hermite points :param kwargs: additional arguments dictionary """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.base = base self.quadrature = gpflow.quadrature.NDiagGHQuadrature(1, num_gauss_hermite_points)
[docs] def _scalar_log_prob(self, F, Y): r""" Compute log p(Y|F). :param F: function evaluation Tensor, with shape [..., latent_dim] :param Y: observation Tensor, with shape [..., latent_dim] """ return self.base.log_prob(F, Y)
[docs] def _scalar_alpha_prob(self, F, Y, alpha=1.0): r""" Compute p(Y|F) :param F: function evaluation Tensor, with shape [..., latent_dim] :param Y: observation Tensor, with shape [..., latent_dim] :param alpha: scalar """ return tf.exp(self._scalar_log_prob(F, Y) * alpha)
[docs] def log_expected_density(self, Fmu, Fvar, Y, alpha=1.0): r""" Compute log ∫ p(y=Y|f)ᵃ q(f) df, where q(f) = N(Fmu, Fvar) :param Fmu: mean function evaluation Tenself._quadrature_reduction( self.quadrature.logspace(self._scalar_log_prob, Fmu, Fvar, Y=Y) )sor, with shape [..., latent_dim] :param Fvar: variance of function evaluation Tensor, with shape [..., latent_dim] :param Y: observation Tensor, with shape [..., observation_dim]: :param alpha: scalar """ return self.base.predict_log_density(Fmu, Fvar, Y=Y)
[docs] def grad_log_expected_density(self, Fmu, Fvar, Y, alpha=1.0): """ Noting I(q) = log ∫ p(y=Y|f)ᵃ q(f) df, where q(f) = N(Fmu, Fvar), this computes ∇I(q) and ∇∇I(q), where the gradient is wrt Fmu. :param Fmu: mean function evaluation Tensor, with shape [..., latent_dim] :param Fvar: variance of function evaluation Tensor, with shape [..., latent_dim] :param Y: observation Tensor, with shape [..., observation_dim]: :param alpha: scalar """ with tf.GradientTape() as g: with tf.GradientTape() as gg: led = self.log_expected_density(Fmu, Fvar, Y, alpha=alpha) dled_dfmu = gg.gradient(led, Fmu) d2led_dfmu2 = g.gradient(dled_dfmu, Fmu) return led, (dled_dfmu, d2led_dfmu2)
[docs] def _conditional_mean(self, F): """ The conditional mean of Y|F """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _conditional_variance(self, F): """ The conditional variance of Y|F """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class PEPGaussian(PEPScalarLikelihood): """ Wrapper around the univariate Gaussian Likelihood. """ def __init__(self, base: gpflow.likelihoods.Gaussian, **kwargs): """ :param base: A Gaussian Likelihood object :param kwargs: dictionary of additional parameters """ assert isinstance(base, gpflow.likelihoods.Gaussian) super().__init__(base, **kwargs)
[docs] def log_expected_density(self, Fmu, Fvar, Y, alpha=1.0): r""" Compute log ∫ p(y=Y|f)ᵃ q(f) df, where q(f) = N(f;Fmu, Fvar) log ∫ p(y=Y|f)ᵃ q(f) df = log ∫ N(y; f, σ²) ᵃ N(f; Fmu, Fvar) df = log N(y; Fmu, σ² + Fvar) :param Fmu: mean function evaluation Tensor, with shape [..., latent_dim] :param Fvar: variance of function evaluation Tensor, with shape [..., latent_dim] :param Y: observation Tensor, with shape [..., latent_dim] :param alpha: scalar """ return alpha * tf.squeeze( gpflow.logdensities.gaussian(Y, Fmu, self.base.variance + Fvar), axis=-1
[docs] def grad_log_expected_density(self, Fmu, Fvar, Y, alpha=1.0): """ Noting I(q) = log ∫ p(y=Y|f)ᵃ q(f) df, where q(f) = N(Fmu, Fvar), this computes ∇I(q) and ∇∇I(q), where the gradient is wrt Fmu. :param Fmu: mean function evaluation Tensor, with shape [..., latent_dim] :param Fvar: variance of function evaluation Tensor, with shape [..., latent_dim] :param Y: observation Tensor, with shape [..., observation_dim]: :param alpha: scalar """ val = self.log_expected_density(Fmu, Fvar, Y, alpha) var = self.base.variance + Fvar grads = (alpha * (Y - Fmu) / var, -alpha * 1.0 / var) # * (1. - ((Y - Fmu) ** 2) / var) return val, grads
[docs] def _conditional_mean(self, F): """ The conditional mean of Y|F """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _conditional_variance(self, F): """ The conditional variance of Y|F """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def check_input_shapes( f_means: tf.Tensor, observations: tf.Tensor, expected_obs_dim: int, f_covariances: tf.Tensor = None, ) -> None: """ Check that the shapes of inputs to likelihood methods are valid. :param f_means: A tensor with shape ``batch_shape + [num_data, obs_dim]``. :param observations: A tensor with shape ``batch_shape + [num_data, obs_dim]``. :param expected_obs_dim: The expected number of dimensions. :param f_covariances: A tensor with shape ``batch_shape + [num_data, obs_dim, obs_dim]``. """ shape_list = [ (observations, (..., "num_data", expected_obs_dim)), (f_means, (..., "num_data", expected_obs_dim)), ] tf.debugging.assert_shapes(shape_list) if f_covariances is not None: shape_list_cov = [(f_covariances, (..., "num_data", expected_obs_dim, expected_obs_dim))] tf.debugging.assert_shapes(shape_list_cov)