Source code for markovflow.conditionals

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"""Module for evaluating conditional distributions."""
from typing import Optional, Tuple

import tensorflow as tf
from gpflow import default_float

from markovflow.base import APPROX_INF
from markovflow.gauss_markov import GaussMarkovDistribution
from markovflow.kernels import SDEKernel
from markovflow.utils import tf_scope_fn_decorator

[docs]def conditional_predict( new_time_points: tf.Tensor, training_time_points: tf.Tensor, kernel: SDEKernel, training_pairwise_means: tf.Tensor, training_pairwise_covariances: Optional[tf.Tensor] = None, ) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: r""" Given :math:`∀ xₜ ∈` `new_time_points`, compute the means and covariances of the marginal densities: .. math:: p(xₜ) = ∫ d[x₋, x₊] p(xₜ|x₋, x₊) q(x₋, x₊; mₜ, Sₜ) = 𝓝(Pₜ mₜ, Tₜ + Pₜ Sₜ Pₜᵀ) Or, if :math:`Sₜ` is not given, compute the conditional density: .. math:: p(xₜ|[x₋, x₊] = mₜ) = 𝓝(Pₜ @ [x₋, x₊], Tₜ) .. note:: `new_time_points` and `training_time_points` must be sorted. Where: - :math:`p` is the density over state trajectories specified by the kernel - :math:`∀ xₜ ∈` `new_time_points`: .. math:: x₊ = arg minₓ \{|x-xₜ|, x ∈ \verb|training_time_point and |x>xₜ\}\\ x₋ = arg minₓ \{|x-xₜ|, x ∈ \verb|training_time_point and |x⩽xₜ\} Details of the computation of :math:`Pₜ` and :math:`Tₜ` are found in :func:`conditional_statistics`. :param new_time_points: Sorted time points to generate observations for, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_new_time_points,]``. :param training_time_points: Sorted time points to condition on, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_training_time_points,]``. :param kernel: A kernel. :param training_pairwise_means: Pairs of states to condition on, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_training_time_points, 2 * state_dim]``. :param training_pairwise_covariances: Covariances of the pairs of states to condition on, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_training_time_points, 2 * state_dim, 2 * state_dim]``. :return: Predicted mean and covariance for the new time points, with respective shapes ``batch_shape + [num_new_time_points, state_dim]`` ``batch_shape + [num_new_time_points, state_dim, state_dim]``. """ P, T, indices = _conditional_statistics(new_time_points, training_time_points, kernel) # projection and marginalization (if Sₜ given) batch_dims = len(new_time_points.shape[:-1]) pairwise_means = tf.gather(training_pairwise_means, indices, batch_dims=batch_dims) if training_pairwise_covariances is None: pairwise_covs = None else: pairwise_covs = tf.gather(training_pairwise_covariances, indices, batch_dims=batch_dims) return base_conditional_predict(P, T, pairwise_means, pairwise_state_covariances=pairwise_covs)
[docs]def conditional_statistics( new_time_points: tf.Tensor, training_time_points: tf.Tensor, kernel: SDEKernel ) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: r""" Given :math:`∀ xₜ ∈` `new_time_points`, compute the statistics :math:`Pₜ` and :math:`Tₜ` of the conditional densities: .. math:: p(xₜ|x₋, x₊) = 𝓝(Pₜ @ [x₋, x₊], Tₜ) ...where: - :math:`p` is the density over state trajectories specified by the kernel - :math:`∀ xₜ ∈` `new_time_points`: .. math:: x₊ = arg minₓ \{ |x-xₜ|, x ∈ \verb|training_time_point and |x>xₜ \}\\ x₋ = arg minₓ \{ |x-xₜ|, x ∈ \verb|training_time_point and |x⩽xₜ \} .. note:: `new_time_points` and `training_time_points` must be sorted. :param new_time_points: Sorted time points to generate observations for, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_new_time_points,]``. :param training_time_points: Sorted time points to condition on, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_training_time_points,]``. :param kernel: A kernel. :return: Parameters for the conditional mean and covariance, with respective shapes ``batch_shape + [num_new_time_points, state_dim, 2 * state_dim]`` ``batch_shape + [num_new_time_points, state_dim, state_dim]``. """ # remove the `indices` output from `_conditional_statistics` P, T, _ = _conditional_statistics(new_time_points, training_time_points, kernel) return P, T
[docs]def _conditional_statistics_from_transitions( state_transitions_to_t: tf.Tensor, process_covariances_to_t: tf.Tensor, state_transitions_from_t: tf.Tensor, process_covariances_from_t: tf.Tensor, return_precision: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: """ Implementation details: Given consecutive time differences Δ₁ = t - t₋ and Δ₂ = t₊ - t of ordered triplets t₋ < t < t₊, we denote their values as x₋, xₜ, x₊ and their conditional distributions as p(x₊ | xₜ) = 𝓝(x₊; Aₜ₊xₜ, Qₜ₊) where [Aₜ₊ == A_tp, Qₜ₊ == Q_tp] p(xₜ | x₋) = 𝓝(xₜ; A₋ₜx₋, Q₋ₜ) where [A₋ₜ == A_mt, Q₋ₜ == Q_mt] This computes Dₜ, Eₜ, Tₜ (or Tₜ⁻¹) such that p(xₜ | x₋, x₊) = 𝓝(xₜ; Dₜ @ x₋ + Eₜ @ x₊, Tₜ) p(x₊|xₜ, x₋) = p(x₊|xₜ) = 𝓝(Aₜ₊xₜ, Qₜₚ) p(xₜ|x₋) = 𝓝(A₋ₜx₋, Q₋ₜ) p(x₊| x₋) = 𝓝(A₋₊x₋, Q₋₊ = Qₜ₊ + Aₜ₊Q₋ₜAₜ₊ᵀ) p([xₜ, x₊]| x₋) = p(x₊| xₜ)p(xₜ|x₋) = 𝓝([A₋ₜx₋, A₋₊x₋]ᵀ, [[ Q₋ₜ, Q₋ₜAₜ₊ᵀ], [ Aₜ₊Q₋ₜ, Q₋₊ ]] Given this joint distribution we can obtain the mean and covariance of the conditional distribution of p(xₜ|[x₋, x₊]) = 𝓝(xₜ; A₋ₜx₋ + Q₋ₜAₜ₊ᵀQ₋₊⁻¹(x₊ - A₋₊x₋), Q₋ₜ - Q₋ₜAₜ₊ᵀQ₋₊⁻¹Aₜ₊Q₋ₜ) = 𝓝(xₜ; (A₋ₜ - Q₋ₜAₜ₊ᵀQ₋₊⁻¹A₋₊)x₋ + Q₋ₜAₜ₊ᵀQ₋₊⁻¹x₊, (Q₋ₜ⁻¹ + Aₜ₊ᵀQₜ₊⁻¹Aₜ₊)⁻¹) :param state_transitions_to_t: the state transitions from t₋ to t - A₋ₜ ``batch_shape + [num_time_points, state_dim, state_dim]`` :param process_covariances_to_t: the process covariances from t₋ to t - Q₋ₜ ``batch_shape + [num_time_points, state_dim, state_dim]`` :param state_transitions_from_t: the state transitions from t to t₊ - A₋ₜ ``batch_shape + [num_time_points, state_dim, state_dim]`` :param process_covariances_from_t: the process covariances from t to t₊ - Qₜ₊ ``batch_shape + [num_time_points, state_dim, state_dim]`` :param return_precision: bool, defaults to False. if True (resp. False), conditional precision (resp. covariance) is returned :return: parameters for the conditional mean and covariance ``batch_shape + [num_time_points, state_dim, state_dim]`` ``batch_shape + [num_time_points, state_dim, state_dim]`` ``batch_shape + [num_time_points, state_dim, state_dim]`` """ A_tp_Q_mt = tf.matmul(state_transitions_from_t, process_covariances_to_t) Q_mt = process_covariances_from_t + tf.matmul( state_transitions_from_t, A_tp_Q_mt, transpose_b=True ) chol_Q_mt = tf.linalg.cholesky(Q_mt) # L # V = L⁻¹ Aₜ₊Q₋ₜ L_inv_A_tp_Q_mt = tf.linalg.triangular_solve( chol_Q_mt, state_transitions_from_t @ process_covariances_to_t ) # E = Q₋ₜAₜ₊ᵀQ₋₊⁻¹ E = tf.linalg.matrix_transpose( tf.linalg.triangular_solve(chol_Q_mt, L_inv_A_tp_Q_mt, adjoint=True) ) D = state_transitions_to_t - E @ state_transitions_from_t @ state_transitions_to_t # Return the parameters for the conditional density: # p(xₜ|x₋, x₊) = 𝓝(Pₙ @ [x₋, x₊], T [or T⁻¹]) if return_precision: chol_Q_mt = tf.linalg.cholesky(process_covariances_to_t) chol_Q_tp = tf.linalg.cholesky(process_covariances_from_t) state_dim = state_transitions_to_t.shape[-1] identities = tf.broadcast_to( tf.eye(state_dim, dtype=default_float()), tf.shape(process_covariances_to_t) ) Q_mt_inv = tf.linalg.cholesky_solve(chol_Q_mt, identities) L_tp_inv_A_tp = tf.linalg.triangular_solve(chol_Q_tp, state_transitions_from_t) # The conditional_precision T⁻¹ = Q₋ₜ⁻¹ + Aₜ₊ᵀQₜ₊⁻¹Aₜ₊ T_inv = Q_mt_inv + tf.matmul(L_tp_inv_A_tp, L_tp_inv_A_tp, transpose_a=True) return D, E, T_inv else: # The conditional_covariance T = Q₋ₜ - Q₋ₜAₜ₊ᵀQ₋₊⁻¹Aₜ₊Q₋ₜ == Q₋ₜ - Q₋ₜᵀAₜ₊ᵀL⁻ᵀL⁻¹Aₜ₊Q₋ₜ T = process_covariances_to_t - tf.matmul(L_inv_A_tp_Q_mt, L_inv_A_tp_Q_mt, transpose_a=True) return D, E, T
[docs]def _conditional_statistics( new_time_points: tf.Tensor, training_time_points: tf.Tensor, kernel: SDEKernel ) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: """ ∀ xₜ ∈ new_time_points, computes the statistics Pₜ and Tₜ of the conditional densities: p(xₜ|x₋, x₊) = 𝓝(Pₜ @ [x₋, x₊], Tₜ) where - p is the density over state trajectories specified by the kernel - ∀ xₜ ∈ new_time_points x₊ = arg minₓ { |x-xₜ|, x ∈ training_time_point and x>xₜ } x₋ = arg minₓ { |x-xₜ|, x ∈ training_time_point and x⩽xₜ } Warning: `new_time_points` and `training_time_points` must be sorted :param new_time_points: sorted time points to generate observations for ``batch_shape + [num_new_time_points,]`` :param training_time_points: sorted time points to condition on ``batch_shape + [num_training_time_points,]`` :param kernel: a Markovian Kernel :return: parameters for the conditional mean and covariance, and the insertion indices ``batch_shape + [num_new_time_points, state_dim, 2*state_dim]`` ``batch_shape + [num_new_time_points, state_dim, state_dim]`` ``batch_shape + [num_new_time_points,]`` """ batch_shape = new_time_points.shape[:-1] batch_dims = len(batch_shape) # Indices of where the intermediate points would be inserted into the # existing time points. This will be slow if new_time_points are not sorted. # WARNING: tf.searchsorted will be slow if `new_time_points` are not sorted indices = tf.searchsorted(training_time_points, new_time_points) # HACK - arbitrary far away point inf = APPROX_INF * tf.ones_like(training_time_points[..., -1:]) time_points_augmented = tf.concat([-inf, training_time_points, inf], axis=-1) # For all intermediate_time_points calculate the time deltas from the previous time_point # (delta_time_points_1) and to the next time_point (delta_time_points_2) inducing_plus = tf.gather(time_points_augmented, indices + 1, batch_dims=batch_dims) inducing_minus = tf.gather(time_points_augmented, indices, batch_dims=batch_dims) dX_mt = new_time_points - inducing_minus dX_tp = inducing_plus - new_time_points A_mt, Q_mt = kernel.transition_statistics(transition_times=inducing_minus, time_deltas=dX_mt) A_tp, Q_tp = kernel.transition_statistics(transition_times=new_time_points, time_deltas=dX_tp) F, G, T = _conditional_statistics_from_transitions(A_mt, Q_mt, A_tp, Q_tp) P = tf.concat([F, G], axis=-1) # Return the parameters for the conditional density: # p(xₜ|x₋, x₊) = 𝓝(Pₙ @ [x₋, x₊], T) return P, T, indices
[docs]def cyclic_reduction_conditional_statistics( explained_time_points: tf.Tensor, conditioning_time_points: tf.Tensor, kernel: SDEKernel ) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: r""" Compute :math:`Fₜ, Gₜ, Lₜ`. Such that: .. math:: p(xᵉₜ | xᶜₜ₋₁, xᶜₜ₊₁) = 𝓝(xᵉₜ; Fₜ @ xᶜₜ₋₁ + Gₜ @ xᶜₜ₊₁, Tₜ = (Lₜ Lₜᵀ)⁻¹ = Lₜ⁻ᵀLₜ⁻¹) ...where superscripts :math:`e` and :math:`c` refer to explained and conditioning respectively. .. note:: :math:`xᵉ` and :math:`xᶜ` must be sorted, such that: .. math:: xᵉ₀ < xᶜ₀ < xᵉ₁ < ... < xᵉₜ < xᶜₜ < xᶜₜ₊₁ < xᶜₜ₊₁ < ... ...where :math:`len(xᵉ) = len(xᶜ)` or :math:`len(xᵉ) = len(xᶜ) + 1`. This computes the conditional statistics :math:`Fₜ, Gₜ, Lₜ`, where :math:`𝔼 xᵉ|xᶜ = - L⁻ᵀ Uᵀ xᶜ`, with:: Uᵀ = | F₁ᵀ [ |] and L⁻ᵀ = |L₁⁻ᵀ | | G₁ᵀ, F₂ᵀ [ |] | L₂⁻ᵀ | | , G₂ᵀ,⋱ [ |] | L₃⁻ᵀ | | ⋱ ⋱ [ |] | ⋱ | | ⋱ Fₙ₋₁ᵀ [ |] | ⋱ | | Gₙ₋₁ᵀ [ Fₙᵀ |] | Lₙ⁻ᵀ | :math:`L` is the Cholesky factor of the conditional precision :math:`xᵉ|xᶜ`. Statistics :math:`F` and :math:`G` are computed from the conditional mean projection parameters :math:`D` and :math:`E` defined by :math:`𝔼 xᵉₙ|xᶜ = Dₙ @ xᶜₙ₋₁ + Eₙ @ xᶜₙ`. Solving the system :math:`- (L⁻ᵀ Uᵀ xᶜ)ₙ = Dₙ @ xᶜₙ₋₁ + Eₙ @ xᶜₙ`, we get :math:`Gₙ₋₁ᵀ = -Lₙᵀ Dₙ` and :math:`Fₙᵀ = -Lₙᵀ Eₙ`. Details of the system:: -| L₁⁻ᵀF₁ᵀ xᶜ₁ | = | E₁ xᶜ₁ | L₂⁻ᵀG₁ᵀxᶜ₁ + L₂⁻ᵀ F₂ᵀ xᶜ₂ | | D₂ xᶜ₁ + E₂ xᶜ₂ | L₃⁻ᵀ G₂ᵀ xᶜ₂ , L₃⁻ᵀ F₃ᵀ xᶜ₃, | | D₃ xᶜ₂ + E₃ xᶜ₃ | ⋮ | | ⋮ | Lₙ⁻ᵀ Gₙ₋₁ᵀxᶜₙ₋₁, Lₙ⁻ᵀ [Fₙᵀ]xᶜₙ| | Dₙ xᶜₙ₋₁ + [Eₙ] xᶜₙ Remarks on size: * When splitting :math:`x` of size :math:`n` into odd and even, you get :math:`nᵉ = (n+1)//2` and :math:`nᶜ = n//2` * At each level, cyclic reduction statistics have shape: .. math:: &- F : nᶜ\\ &- G : nᵉ - 1\\ &- L : nᵉ\\ Note that: * :math:`F₀` is not defined (there is no time point below :math:`xᵉ₀`) * The last element :math:`G` may not be defined if :math:`len(xᵉ) = len(xᶜ)` :param explained_time_points: Sorted time points to generate observations for, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_time_points_1,]``. :param conditioning_time_points: Sorted time points to condition on, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_time_points_2,]``. :param kernel: A kernel. :return: Parameters for the conditional, with respective shapes ``batch_shape + [num_conditioning, state_dim, state_dim]`` ``batch_shape + [num_explained - 1, state_dim, state_dim]`` ``batch_shape + [num_explained, state_dim, state_dim]``. """ delta_t1 = explained_time_points[..., 1:] - explained_time_points[..., :-1] delta_t2 = conditioning_time_points[..., 1:] - conditioning_time_points[..., :-1] tf.debugging.assert_non_negative(delta_t1, message="explained_time_points must be sorted") tf.debugging.assert_non_negative(delta_t2, message="conditioning_time_points must be sorted") num_explained = tf.shape(explained_time_points)[-1] num_conditioning = tf.shape(conditioning_time_points)[-1] tf.debugging.assert_greater_equal( num_explained, num_conditioning, message="explained_time_points must be longer than conditioning_time_points", ) tf.debugging.assert_less_equal( num_explained - num_conditioning, 1, message="explained_time_points must be as long as conditioning_time_points" " or 1 entry longer", ) # Indices of where the intermediate points would be inserted into the # existing time points. This will be slow if new_time_points are not sorted. # HACK - arbitrary far away point inf = APPROX_INF * tf.ones_like(conditioning_time_points[..., :1]) time_points_augmented = tf.concat([-inf, conditioning_time_points, inf], axis=-1) # For all intermediate_time_points calculate the time deltas from the previous time_point # (delta_time_points_1) and to the next time_point (delta_time_points_2) # this will span the range -inf to either the penultimate or last time points left_conditioning_time_points = time_points_augmented[..., :num_explained] dX_mt = explained_time_points - left_conditioning_time_points # this will span the range from the first time point to either the last or inf right_conditioning_time_points = time_points_augmented[..., 1 : num_explained + 1] dX_tp = right_conditioning_time_points - explained_time_points A_mt, Q_mt = kernel.transition_statistics( transition_times=left_conditioning_time_points, time_deltas=dX_mt ) A_tp, Q_tp = kernel.transition_statistics( transition_times=explained_time_points, time_deltas=dX_tp ) D, E, T_inv = _conditional_statistics_from_transitions( A_mt, Q_mt, A_tp, Q_tp, return_precision=True ) L = tf.linalg.cholesky(T_inv) # Return the parameters for the cyclic reduction parameters: F = -tf.matmul(E, L, transpose_a=True) G = -tf.matmul(D, L, transpose_a=True) return F[..., 1:], G[..., :num_conditioning], L
[docs]def base_conditional_predict( conditional_projections: tf.Tensor, conditional_covariances: tf.Tensor, adjacent_states: tf.Tensor, pairwise_state_covariances: Optional[tf.Tensor] = None, ) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: """ Predict state at new time points given conditional statistics. Given conditionals statistics :math:`Pₜ, Tₜ` of :math:`p(xₜ|x₋, x₊) = 𝓝(Pₜ @ [x₋, x₊], Tₜ)` and pairwise marginals :math:`p(xₜ₋, xₜ₊) = 𝓝(mₜ, Sₜ)`, compute marginal mean and covariance of the marginal density: .. math:: p(xₜ) = 𝓝(Pₜ mₜ, Tₜ + Pₜ Sₜ Pₜᵀ) If :math:`Sₜ` is not provided, compute the conditional mean and covariance of the conditional density: .. math:: p(xₜ|[xₜ₋, xₜ₊] = mₜ) = 𝓝(Pₜ mₜ, Tₜ) :param conditional_projections: :math:`Pₜ` with shape ``batch_shape + [num_time_points, state_dim]``. :param conditional_covariances: :math:`Tₜ` with shape ``batch_shape + [num_time_points, state_dim, state_dim]``. :param adjacent_states: Pairs of states to condition on, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_time_points, 2 * state_dim]``. :param pairwise_state_covariances: Covariances of the pairs of states to condition on, with shape ``batch_shape + [num_time_points, 2 * state_dim, 2 * state_dim]``. :return: Predicted mean and covariance for the time points, with respective shapes ``batch_shape + [num_time_points, state_dim]`` ``batch_shape + [num_time_points, state_dim, state_dim]``. """ means = (conditional_projections @ tf.expand_dims(adjacent_states, axis=-1))[..., 0] covs = conditional_covariances if pairwise_state_covariances is not None: covs += tf.matmul( conditional_projections @ pairwise_state_covariances, conditional_projections, transpose_b=True, ) return means, covs
[docs]def pairwise_marginals( dist: GaussMarkovDistribution, initial_mean: tf.Tensor, initial_covariance: tf.Tensor ) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: r""" TODO(sam): figure out what the initial mean and covariance should be for non-stationary kernels For each pair of subsequent states :math:`xₖ, xₖ₊₁`, return the mean and covariance of their joint distribution. This is assuming we start from, and revert to, the prior: .. math:: &p(xₖ) = 𝓝(μₖ, Pₖ) \verb|(we can get this from the marginals method)|\\ &p(xₖ₊₁ | xₖ) = 𝓝(Aₖμₖ, Qₖ) Then: .. math:: p(xₖ₊₁, xₖ) = 𝓝([μₖ, μₖ₊₁], [Pₖ, Pₖ Aₖᵀ])\\ [Aₖ Pₖ, Pₖ₊₁] :param dist: The distribution. :param initial_mean: The prior mean (used to extend the pairwise marginals of the distribution). :param initial_covariance: The prior covariance (used to extend the pairwise marginal of the state space model). :return: Mean and covariance pairs for the marginals, with respective shapes ``batch_shape + [num_transitions + 2, state_dim]`` ``batch_shape + [num_transitions + 2, state_dim, state_dim]``. """ means, covariances = dist.marginals covariances, subsequent_covariances = dist.covariance_blocks() initial_mean = tf.expand_dims(initial_mean, axis=-2) extended_means = tf.concat([initial_mean, means, initial_mean], axis=-2) joint_mean = tf.concat([extended_means[..., :-1, :], extended_means[..., 1:, :]], axis=-1) initial_covariance = tf.expand_dims(initial_covariance, axis=-3) extended_cov = tf.concat([initial_covariance, covariances, initial_covariance], axis=-3) extended_subsequent_cov = tf.concat( [ tf.zeros_like(initial_covariance), subsequent_covariances, tf.zeros_like(initial_covariance), ], axis=-3, ) joint_cov_0 = tf.concat( [extended_cov[..., :-1, :, :], tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(extended_subsequent_cov)], axis=-1, ) joint_cov_1 = tf.concat([extended_subsequent_cov, extended_cov[..., 1:, :, :]], axis=-1) joint_cov = tf.concat([joint_cov_0, joint_cov_1], axis=-2) shape = tf.concat([dist.batch_shape, [dist.num_transitions + 2, 2 * dist.state_dim]], axis=0) shape_cov = tf.concat([shape, [2 * dist.state_dim]], axis=0) tf.debugging.assert_equal(tf.shape(joint_mean), shape) tf.debugging.assert_equal(tf.shape(joint_cov), shape_cov) return joint_mean, joint_cov