# Copyright 2021 The Trieste Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This module is the home of the sampling functionality required by some
of the Trieste's Keras model wrappers.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Dict, Optional
import tensorflow as tf
from trieste.utils.misc import ensure_positive
from ...types import TensorType
from ...utils import flatten_leading_dims
from ..interfaces import TrajectoryFunction, TrajectoryFunctionClass, TrajectorySampler
from .interface import DeepEnsembleModel
from .utils import sample_model_index
class DeepEnsembleTrajectorySampler(TrajectorySampler[DeepEnsembleModel]):
This class builds functions that approximate a trajectory by randomly choosing a network from
the ensemble and using its predicted means as a trajectory.
Option `diversify` can be used to increase the diversity in case of optimizing very large
batches of trajectories. We use quantiles from the approximate Gaussian distribution of
the ensemble as trajectories, with randomly chosen quantiles approximating a trajectory and
using a reparametrisation trick to speed up computation. Note that quantiles are not true
trajectories, so this will likely have some performance costs.
def __init__(
self, model: DeepEnsembleModel, diversify: bool = False, seed: Optional[int] = None
:param model: The ensemble model to sample from.
:param diversify: Whether to use quantiles from the approximate Gaussian distribution of
the ensemble as trajectories (`False` by default). See class docstring for details.
:param seed: Random number seed to use for trajectory sampling.
:raise NotImplementedError: If we try to use the model that is not instance of
if not isinstance(model, DeepEnsembleModel):
raise NotImplementedError(
f"EnsembleTrajectorySampler only works with DeepEnsembleModel models, that support "
f"ensemble_size and ensemble_distributions methods; "
f"received {model!r}"
self._model = model
self._diversify = diversify
self._seed = seed or int(tf.random.uniform(shape=(), maxval=10000, dtype=tf.int32))
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self._model!r}"
def get_trajectory(self) -> TrajectoryFunction:
Generate an approximate function draw (trajectory) from the ensemble.
:return: A trajectory function representing an approximate trajectory
from the model, taking an input of shape `[N, B, D]` and returning shape `[N, B, L]`.
return deep_ensemble_trajectory(self._model, self._diversify, self._seed)
def update_trajectory(self, trajectory: TrajectoryFunction) -> TrajectoryFunction:
Update a :const:`TrajectoryFunction` to reflect an update in its
underlying :class:`DeepEnsembleModel` and resample accordingly.
Here we rely on the underlying models being updated and we only resample the trajectory.
:param trajectory: The trajectory function to be resampled.
:return: The new trajectory function updated for a new model
tf.debugging.Assert(isinstance(trajectory, deep_ensemble_trajectory), [tf.constant([])])
trajectory.resample() # type: ignore
return trajectory
def resample_trajectory(self, trajectory: TrajectoryFunction) -> TrajectoryFunction:
Efficiently resample a :const:`TrajectoryFunction` in-place to avoid function retracing
with every new sample.
:param trajectory: The trajectory function to be resampled.
:return: The new resampled trajectory function.
tf.debugging.Assert(isinstance(trajectory, deep_ensemble_trajectory), [tf.constant([])])
trajectory.resample() # type: ignore
return trajectory
class deep_ensemble_trajectory(TrajectoryFunctionClass):
Generate an approximate function draw (trajectory) by randomly choosing a batch B of
networks from the ensemble and using their predicted means as trajectories.
Option `diversify` can be used to increase the diversity in case of optimizing very large
batches of trajectories. We use quantiles from the approximate Gaussian distribution of
the ensemble as trajectories, with randomly chosen quantiles approximating a trajectory and
using a reparametrisation trick to speed up computation. Only epistemic uncertainty is taken
into account in sampling. Note that quantiles are not true trajectories, so this will likely
have some performance costs.
def __init__(self, model: DeepEnsembleModel, diversify: bool, seed: Optional[int] = None):
:param model: The model of the objective function.
:param diversify: Whether to use samples from final probabilistic layer as trajectories
or mean predictions.
:param seed: Optional RNG seed.
self._model = model
self._diversify = diversify
self._ensemble_size = self._model.ensemble_size
self._seed = seed
self._initialized = tf.Variable(False, trainable=False)
self._batch_size = tf.Variable(0, dtype=tf.int32, trainable=False)
if self._diversify:
self._eps = tf.Variable(
tf.zeros([0, 0], dtype=model.dtype), shape=[None, None], trainable=False
self._indices = tf.Variable(
tf.zeros([0], dtype=tf.int32), shape=[None], trainable=False
def __call__(self, x: TensorType) -> TensorType: # [N, B, D] -> [N, B, L]
Call trajectory function. Note that we are flattening the batch dimension and
doing a forward pass with each network in the ensemble with the whole batch. This is
somewhat wasteful, but is necessary given the underlying ``KerasEnsemble`` network
if not self._initialized: # work out desired batch size from input
self._batch_size.assign(tf.shape(x)[-2]) # B
self.resample() # sample network indices/quantiles
This trajectory only supports batch sizes of {self._batch_size}.
If you wish to change the batch size you must get a new trajectory
by calling the get_trajectory method of the trajectory sampler.
flat_x, unflatten = flatten_leading_dims(x) # [N*B, D]
if self._diversify:
predicted_means, predicted_vars = self._model.predict(flat_x) # ([N*B, L], [N*B, L])
predicted_vars = ensure_positive(predicted_vars)
predictions = predicted_means + tf.sqrt(predicted_vars) * tf.tile(
self._eps, [tf.shape(x)[0], 1]
) # [N*B, L]
return unflatten(predictions) # [N, B, L]
ensemble_distributions = self._model.ensemble_distributions(flat_x)
predicted_means = tf.convert_to_tensor([dist.mean() for dist in ensemble_distributions])
predictions = tf.gather(predicted_means, self._indices) # [B, N*B, L]
tensor_predictions = tf.map_fn(unflatten, predictions) # [B, N, B, L]
# here we select simultaneously networks and batch dimension according to batch indices
# this is needed because we compute a whole batch with each network
batch_index = tf.range(self._batch_size)
indices = tf.stack([batch_index, batch_index], axis=1)
batch_predictions = tf.gather_nd(
tf.transpose(tensor_predictions, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3]), indices
) # [B,N]
return tf.transpose(batch_predictions, perm=[1, 0, 2]) # [N, B, L]
def resample(self) -> None:
Efficiently resample network indices in-place, without retracing.
if self._seed:
self._seed += 1 # increment operation seed
if self._diversify:
shape=(self._batch_size, self._model.num_outputs),
) # [B]
sample_model_index(self._ensemble_size, self._batch_size, seed=self._seed)
) # [B]
def get_state(self) -> Dict[str, TensorType]:
Return internal state variables.
state = {
"initialized": self._initialized,
"batch_size": self._batch_size,
if self._diversify:
state["eps"] = self._eps
state["indices"] = self._indices
return state