# Copyright 2020 The Trieste Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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""" This module contains functions and classes for Pareto based multi-objective optimization. """
from __future__ import annotations
import cvxpy as cp
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover (tested but not by coverage)
cp = None
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from ...types import TensorType
from .dominance import non_dominated
from .partition import prepare_default_non_dominated_partition_bounds
[docs]class Pareto:
A :class:`Pareto` constructs a Pareto set.
Stores a Pareto set and calculates hypervolume of the Pareto set given a
specified reference point
def __init__(self, observations: TensorType, already_non_dominated: bool = False):
:param observations: The observations for all objectives, with shape [N, D].
:param already_non_dominated: Whether the observations are already non dominated
:raise ValueError (or InvalidArgumentError): If ``observations`` has an invalid shape.
tf.debugging.assert_rank(observations, 2)
tf.debugging.assert_greater_equal(tf.shape(observations)[-1], 2)
if not already_non_dominated:
self.front = non_dominated(observations)[0]
self.front = observations
[docs] def hypervolume_indicator(self, reference: TensorType) -> TensorType:
Calculate the hypervolume indicator based on self.front and a reference point
The hypervolume indicator is the volume of the dominated region.
:param reference: a reference point to use, with shape [D].
Defines the upper bound of the hypervolume.
Should be equal or bigger than the anti-ideal point of the Pareto set.
For comparing results across runs, the same reference point must be used.
:return: hypervolume indicator, if reference point is less than all of the front
in any dimension, the hypervolume indicator will be zero.
:raise ValueError (or `tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError`): If ``reference`` has an invalid
:raise ValueError (or `tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError`): If ``self.front`` is empty
(which can happen if the concentration point is too strict so no frontier
exists after the screening)
if tf.equal(tf.size(self.front), 0):
raise ValueError("empty front cannot be used to calculate hypervolume indicator")
helper_anti_reference = tf.reduce_min(self.front, axis=0) - tf.ones(
shape=1, dtype=self.front.dtype
lower, upper = prepare_default_non_dominated_partition_bounds(
reference, self.front, helper_anti_reference
non_dominated_hypervolume = tf.reduce_sum(tf.reduce_prod(upper - lower, 1))
hypervolume_indicator = (
tf.reduce_prod(reference - helper_anti_reference) - non_dominated_hypervolume
return hypervolume_indicator
[docs] def sample_diverse_subset(
sample_size: int,
allow_repeats: bool = True,
bounds_delta_scale_factor: float = 0.2,
bounds_min_delta: float = 1e-9,
) -> tuple[TensorType, TensorType]:
Sample a set of diverse points from the Pareto set using
Hypervolume Sharpe-Ratio Indicator
:param sample_size: The number of points to sample from the Pareto front
:param allow_repeats: Whether the sample may contain repeats
:param bounds_delta_scale_factor: The factor by which to grow the distance
between extrema when calculating lower and upper bounds
:param bounds_min_delta: The minimum value of the distance between extrema
:return: sample: Tensor of query points selected in the sample
and sample_ids: Tensor of indices of points selected from the Pareto set
if cp is None:
raise ImportError(
"Pareto.sample method requires cvxpy, "
"this can be installed via `pip install trieste[qhsri]`"
if bounds_delta_scale_factor < 0:
raise ValueError(
"bounds_delta_scale_factor should be non-negative,"
f" got {bounds_delta_scale_factor}"
if bounds_delta_scale_factor < 0:
raise ValueError("bounds_delta_min should be non-negative, got {bounds_min_delta}")
front_size, _ = self.front.shape
if (front_size < sample_size) and allow_repeats is False:
raise ValueError(
f"Tried to sample {sample_size} points from a Pareto"
f" set of size {front_size}, please ensure sample size is smaller than"
" Pareto set size."
lower_bound, upper_bound = self._get_bounds(bounds_delta_scale_factor, bounds_min_delta)
p = self._calculate_p_matrix(lower_bound, upper_bound)
# Calculate q matrix
p_diag = np.expand_dims(np.diagonal(p), axis=1)
q = p - np.dot(p_diag, np.transpose(p_diag))
x_star = self._find_x_star(q, p)
if allow_repeats:
samples, sample_ids = self._choose_batch_with_repeats(x_star, sample_size)
samples, sample_ids = self._choose_batch_no_repeats(x_star, sample_size)
return samples, sample_ids
def _choose_batch_with_repeats(
self, x_star: TensorType, sample_size: int
) -> tuple[TensorType, TensorType]:
# Calculate number of times each point is sampled
n_times_sampled = x_star * sample_size
# Round each number to an int
n_times_sampled = np.round(n_times_sampled)
# Check difference in number of samples and required sample size
n_samples_difference = sample_size - int(np.sum(n_times_sampled))
if n_samples_difference < 0:
# We need to randomly remove samples
# Get indices of point that were to be sampled >0 times
non_zero_indices = np.flatnonzero(n_times_sampled)
# Choose indices to decrement
samples_to_decr = np.random.choice(non_zero_indices, size=-n_samples_difference)
# Decrement indices
for idx in samples_to_decr:
n_times_sampled[idx] -= 1
elif n_samples_difference > 0:
# We need to randomly add samples
samples_to_incr = np.random.choice(
np.arange(len(n_times_sampled)), size=n_samples_difference
for idx in samples_to_incr:
n_times_sampled[idx] += 1
# Create a list of the sample indices
sample_ids = []
for idx, repeats in enumerate(n_times_sampled):
for _ in range(int(repeats)):
# Convert to array for indexing and return
sample_ids_array = np.array(sample_ids)
# Create batch with each of the selected samples
samples = np.array(self.front)[sample_ids_array]
return samples, sample_ids_array
def _choose_batch_no_repeats(
self, x_star: TensorType, sample_size: int
) -> tuple[TensorType, TensorType]:
front_size = self.front.shape[0]
# Create id array to keep track of points
id_arr = np.expand_dims(np.arange(front_size), axis=1)
# Stitch id array, x_star and the front together
stitched_array = np.concatenate([id_arr, x_star, np.array(self.front)], axis=1)
# Sort array by x_star descending
sorted_array = stitched_array[stitched_array[:, 1].argsort()[::-1]]
samples = sorted_array[:sample_size, 2:]
sample_ids = sorted_array[:sample_size, 0].astype(int)
return samples, sample_ids
def _find_x_star(self, q: TensorType, p: TensorType) -> TensorType:
front_size = self.front.shape[0]
p_diag = np.expand_dims(np.diagonal(p), axis=1)
# Solve quadratic program for y*
P = cp.atoms.affine.wraps.psd_wrap(q)
G = np.eye(front_size)
h = np.zeros(front_size)
A = np.transpose(p_diag)
b = np.ones(1)
# Define and solve the CVXPY problem.
y = cp.Variable(front_size)
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize((1 / 2) * cp.quad_form(y, P)), [G @ y >= h, A @ y == b])
y_star = y.value
# Calculate x*
x_star = np.expand_dims(y_star, axis=1) / np.sum(y_star)
return x_star
def _calculate_p_matrix(self, lower_bound: TensorType, upper_bound: TensorType) -> TensorType:
front_size, front_dims = self.front.shape
p = np.zeros([front_size, front_size])
# Calculate denominator value for p matrix elements
denominator: float = 1
for i in range(front_dims):
if upper_bound[i] - lower_bound[i] == 0:
raise ValueError(
"Pareto set has identical upper and lower bounds"
" in a dimension, you can avoid this by setting a "
"nonzero value for bounds_min_delta"
denominator *= upper_bound[i] - lower_bound[i]
# Fill entries of p
for i in range(front_size):
for j in range(front_size):
pij = 1
for k in range(front_dims):
pij *= upper_bound[k] - max(self.front[i, k], self.front[j, k])
p[i, j] = pij
p = p / denominator
return p
def _get_bounds(
self, delta_scaling_factor: float, min_delta: float
) -> tuple[TensorType, TensorType]:
# Find min and max for each dimension in the front
dim_mins = np.min(self.front, axis=0)
dim_maxes = np.max(self.front, axis=0)
# Calculate the deltas to add to the min/max to get the upper and lower bounds
deltas = ((dim_maxes - dim_mins) * delta_scaling_factor) + min_delta
# Calculate the bounds
lower_bound = dim_mins - deltas
upper_bound = dim_maxes + deltas
return lower_bound, upper_bound
[docs]def get_reference_point(
observations: TensorType,
) -> TensorType:
Default reference point calculation method that calculates the reference
point according to a Pareto front extracted from set of observations.
:param observations: observations referred to calculate the reference
point, with shape [..., N, D]
:return: a reference point to use, with shape [..., D].
:raise ValueError: If ``observations`` is empty
if tf.equal(tf.size(observations), 0):
raise ValueError("empty observations cannot be used to calculate reference point")
front = Pareto(observations).front
f = tf.math.reduce_max(front, axis=-2) - tf.math.reduce_min(front, axis=-2)
return tf.math.reduce_max(front, axis=-2) + 2 * f / tf.cast(tf.shape(front)[-2], f.dtype)