Source code for

# Copyright 2020 The Trieste Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
""" Definitions and utilities for observers of objective functions. """
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Callable, Mapping, Union

import tensorflow as tf
from typing_extensions import Final

from .data import Dataset
from .types import Tag, TensorType

[docs]SingleObserver = Callable[[TensorType], Dataset]
""" Type alias for an observer of the objective function (that takes query points and returns an unlabelled dataset). """
[docs]MultiObserver = Callable[[TensorType], Mapping[Tag, Dataset]]
""" Type alias for an observer of the objective function (that takes query points and returns labelled datasets). """
[docs]Observer = Union[SingleObserver, MultiObserver]
""" Type alias for an observer, returning either labelled datasets or a single unlabelled dataset. """
[docs]OBJECTIVE: Final[Tag] = "OBJECTIVE"
""" A tag typically used by acquisition rules to denote the data sets and models corresponding to the optimization objective. """ def _is_finite(t: TensorType) -> TensorType: return tf.logical_and(tf.math.is_finite(t), tf.logical_not(tf.math.is_nan(t)))
[docs]def filter_finite(query_points: TensorType, observations: TensorType) -> Dataset: """ :param query_points: A tensor of shape (N x M). :param observations: A tensor of shape (N x 1). :return: A :class:`` containing all the rows in ``query_points`` and ``observations`` where the ``observations`` are finite numbers. :raise ValueError or InvalidArgumentError: If ``query_points`` or ``observations`` have invalid shapes. """ tf.debugging.assert_shapes([(observations, ("N", 1))]) mask = tf.reshape(_is_finite(observations), [-1]) return Dataset(tf.boolean_mask(query_points, mask), tf.boolean_mask(observations, mask))
[docs]def map_is_finite(query_points: TensorType, observations: TensorType) -> Dataset: """ :param query_points: A tensor. :param observations: A tensor. :return: A :class:`` containing all the rows in ``query_points``, along with the tensor result of mapping the elements of ``observations`` to: `1` if they are a finite number, else `0`, with dtype `tf.uint8`. :raise ValueError or InvalidArgumentError: If ``query_points`` and ``observations`` do not satisfy the shape constraints of :class:``. """ return Dataset(query_points, tf.cast(_is_finite(observations), tf.uint8))