Source code for trieste.acquisition.function.utils

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This module contains utility functions for acquisition functions.
from typing import Callable, Tuple

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow_probability import distributions as tfd

from ...types import TensorType

# =============================================================================
# Multivariate Normal CDF
# =============================================================================

[docs]class MultivariateNormalCDF: def __init__( self, sample_size: int, dim: int, dtype: tf.DType, num_sobol_skip: int = 0, ) -> None: """Builds the cumulative density function of the multivariate Gaussian using the Genz approximation detailed in :cite:`genz2016numerical`. This is a Monte Carlo approximation which is more accurate than a naive Monte Carlo estimate of the expected improvent. In order to use reparametrised samples, the helper accepts a tensor of samples, and the callable uses these fixed samples whenever it is called. :param samples_size: int, number of samples to use. :param dim: int, dimension of the multivariate Gaussian. :param dtype: tf.DType, data type to use for calculations. :param num_sobol_skip: int, number of sobol samples to skip. """ tf.debugging.assert_positive(sample_size) tf.debugging.assert_positive(dim) self._S = sample_size self._Q = dim self._dtype = dtype self._num_sobol_skip = num_sobol_skip
[docs] def _standard_normal_cdf_and_inverse_cdf( self, dtype: tf.DType, ) -> Tuple[Callable[[TensorType], TensorType], Callable[[TensorType], TensorType]]: """Returns two callables *Phi* and *iPhi*, which compute the cumulative density function and inverse cumulative density function of a standard univariate Gaussian. :param dtype: The data type to use, either tf.float32 or tf.float64. :returns Phi, iPhi: Cumulative and inverse cumulative density functions. """ normal = tfd.Normal( loc=tf.zeros(shape=(), dtype=dtype), scale=tf.ones(shape=(), dtype=dtype), ) Phi: Callable[[TensorType], TensorType] = normal.cdf iPhi: Callable[[TensorType], TensorType] = normal.quantile return Phi, iPhi
[docs] def _get_update_indices(self, B: int, S: int, Q: int, q: int) -> TensorType: """Returns indices for updating a tensor using tf.tensor_scatter_nd_add, for use within the _mvn_cdf function, for computing the cumulative density function of a multivariate Gaussian. The indices *idx* returned are such that the following operation idx = get_update_indices(B, S, Q, q) tensor = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_add(tensor, idx, update) is equivalent to the numpy operation tensor = tensor[:, :, q] + update where *tensor* is a tensor of shape (B, S, Q). :param B: First dim. of tensor for which the indices are generated. :param S: Second dim. of tensor for which the indices are generated. :param Q: Third dim. of tensor for which the indices are generated. :param q: Index of tensor along fourth dim. to which the update is applied. """ idxB = tf.tile(tf.range(B, dtype=tf.int32)[:, None, None], (1, S, 1)) idxS = tf.tile(tf.range(S, dtype=tf.int32)[None, :, None], (B, 1, 1)) idxQ = tf.tile(tf.convert_to_tensor(q)[None, None, None], (B, S, 1)) idx = tf.concat([idxB, idxS, idxQ], axis=-1) return idx
[docs] def __call__( self, x: TensorType, mean: TensorType, cov: TensorType, jitter: float = 1e-6, ) -> TensorType: """Computes the cumulative density function of the multivariate Gaussian using the Genz approximation. :param x: Tensor of shape (B, Q), batch of points to evaluate CDF at. :param mean: Tensor of shape (B, Q), batch of means. :param covariance: Tensor of shape (B, Q, Q), batch of covariances. :param jitter: float, jitter to use in the Cholesky factorisation. :returns mvn_cdf: Tensor of shape (B,), CDF values. """ # Unpack batch size B = x.shape[0] tf.debugging.assert_positive(B) # Check shapes of input tensors tf.debugging.assert_shapes( [ (x, (B, self._Q)), (mean, (B, self._Q)), (cov, (B, self._Q, self._Q)), ] ) # Identify data type to use for all calculations dtype = mean.dtype # Compute Cholesky factors jitter = jitter * tf.eye(self._Q, dtype=dtype)[None, :, :] C = tf.linalg.cholesky(cov + jitter) # (B, Q, Q) # Rename samples and limits for brevity w = tf.math.sobol_sample( dim=self._Q, num_results=self._S, dtype=self._dtype, skip=self._num_sobol_skip, ) # (S, Q) b = x - mean # (B, Q) # Initialise transformation variables e = tf.zeros(shape=(B, self._S, self._Q), dtype=dtype) f = tf.zeros(shape=(B, self._S, self._Q), dtype=dtype) y = tf.zeros(shape=(B, self._S, self._Q), dtype=dtype) # Initialise standard normal for computing CDFs Phi, iPhi = self._standard_normal_cdf_and_inverse_cdf(dtype=dtype) # Get update indices for convenience later idx = self._get_update_indices(B=B, S=self._S, Q=self._Q, q=0) # Slice out common tensors b0 = b[:, None, 0] C0 = C[:, None, 0, 0] + 1e-12 # Compute transformation variables at the first step e_update = tf.tile(Phi(b0 / C0), (1, self._S)) # (B, S) e = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_add(e, idx, e_update) f = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_add(f, idx, e_update) for i in tf.range(1, self._Q): # Update y tensor y_update = iPhi(1e-6 + (1 - 2e-6) * w[None, :, i - 1] * e[:, :, i - 1]) y = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_add(y, idx, y_update) # Slice out common tensors bi = b[:, None, i] Ci_ = C[:, None, i, :i] Cii = C[:, None, i, i] + 1e-12 yi = y[:, :, :i] # Compute indices to update d, e and f tensors idx = self._get_update_indices(B=B, S=self._S, Q=self._Q, q=i) # Update e tensor e_update = Phi((bi - tf.reduce_sum(Ci_ * yi, axis=-1)) / Cii) e = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_add(e, idx, e_update) # Update f tensor f_update = e[:, :, i] * f[:, :, i - 1] f = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_add(f, idx, f_update) mvn_cdf = tf.reduce_mean(f[:, :, -1], axis=-1) return mvn_cdf