This package contains examples of popular objective functions used in (Bayesian) optimization.
Package Contents#
- DTLZ1(input_dim: int, num_objective: int) MultiObjectiveTestProblem [source]#
The DTLZ1 problem, the idea pareto fronts lie on a linear hyper-plane. See [DTLZ02] for details.
- Parameters:
input_dim – The input dimensionality of the synthetic function.
num_objective – The number of objectives.
- Returns:
The problem specification.
- DTLZ2(input_dim: int, num_objective: int) MultiObjectiveTestProblem [source]#
The DTLZ2 problem, the idea pareto fronts lie on (part of) a unit hyper sphere. See [DTLZ02] for details.
- Parameters:
input_dim – The input dimensionality of the synthetic function.
num_objective – The number of objectives.
- Returns:
The problem specification.
- VLMOP2(input_dim: int) MultiObjectiveTestProblem [source]#
The VLMOP2 problem, typically evaluated over \([-2, 2]^d\). The idea pareto fronts lies on -1/sqrt(d) - 1/sqrt(d) and x1=…=xdim.
See [VVL99] and [FF95] (the latter for discussion of pareto front property) for details.
- Parameters:
input_dim – The input dimensionality of the synthetic function.
- Returns:
The problem specification.
- class MultiObjectiveTestProblem[source]#
Convenience container class for synthetic multi-objective test functions, containing a generator for the pareto optimal points, which can be used as a reference of performance measure of certain multi-objective optimization algorithms.
- gen_pareto_optimal_points: GenParetoOptimalPoints#
Function to generate Pareto optimal points, given the number of points and an optional random number seed.
- class SingleObjectiveMultifidelityTestProblem[source]#
Convenience container class for synthetic single-objective test functions, including the global minimizers and minimum.
- fidelity_search_space:
The search space including fidelities
- Ackley5[source]#
The Ackley test function over \([0, 1]^5\). This function has many local minima and a global minima. See for details. Note that we rescale the original problem, which is typically defined over [-32.768, 32.768].
- ConstrainedScaledBranin[source]#
The rescaled Branin-Hoo function with a combination of linear and nonlinear constraints on the search space.
- GramacyLee[source]#
The Gramacy & Lee function, typically evaluated over \([0.5, 2.5]\). See [GL12] for details.
- Hartmann3[source]#
The Hartmann 3 test function over \([0, 1]^3\). This function has 3 local and one global minima. See for details.
- Hartmann6[source]#
The Hartmann 6 test function over \([0, 1]^6\). This function has 6 local and one global minima. See for details.
- Levy8[source]#
Convenience function for the 8-dimensional
function. Taken from
- LogarithmicGoldsteinPrice[source]#
A logarithmic form of the Goldstein-Price function, with zero mean and unit variance over \([0, 1]^2\). See [PWG13] for details.
- Michalewicz2[source]#
Convenience function for the 2-dimensional
function with steepness 10. Taken from
- Michalewicz5[source]#
Convenience function for the 5-dimensional
function with steepness 10. Taken from
- Michalewicz10[source]#
Convenience function for the 10-dimensional
function with steepness 10. Taken from
- class ObjectiveTestProblem[source]#
Convenience container class for synthetic objective test functions.
- objective: ObjectiveTestFunction#
The synthetic test function
- search_space:
The (continuous) search space of the test function
- Rosenbrock4[source]#
The Rosenbrock function, rescaled to have zero mean and unit variance over \([0, 1]^4. See :cite:`Picheny2013\) for details. This function (also known as the Banana function) is unimodal, however the minima lies in a narrow valley.
- ScaledBranin[source]#
The Branin-Hoo function, rescaled to have zero mean and unit variance over \([0, 1]^2\). See [PWG13] for details.
- Shekel4[source]#
The Shekel test function over \([0, 1]^4\). This function has ten local minima and a single global minimum. See for details. Note that we rescale the original problem, which is typically defined over [0, 10]^4.
- class SingleObjectiveTestProblem[source]#
Convenience container class for synthetic single-objective test functions, including the global minimizers and minimum.
- minimizers: trieste.types.TensorType#
The global minimizers of the test function.
- minimum: trieste.types.TensorType#
The global minimum of the test function.
- mk_multi_observer(**kwargs:[[trieste.types.TensorType], trieste.types.TensorType]) [source]#
- Parameters:
kwargs – Observation functions.
- Returns:
An multi-observer returning the data from
- mk_observer(objective:[[trieste.types.TensorType], trieste.types.TensorType]) [source]#
- mk_observer(objective:[[trieste.types.TensorType], trieste.types.TensorType], key: trieste.types.Tag)
- Parameters:
objective – An objective function designed to be used with a single data set and model.
key – An optional key to use to access the data from the observer result.
- Returns:
An observer returning the data from