This module contains builders for GPflow models supported in Trieste. We found the default configurations used here to work well in most situation, but they should not be taken as universally good solutions.

Module Contents#


Default value of the kernel lengthscale parameter.


Default value of the scaling factor for the kernel lengthscale and variance parameters.


Default value of the kernel variance parameter for classification models in the noise free case.


Default value of the kernel variance parameter for classification models.


Default maximum number of inducing points.


Default number of inducing points per dimension of the search space.


Default value used for initializing (noise) variance parameter of the likelihood function. If user does not specify it, the noise variance is set to maintain the signal to noise ratio determined by this default value. Signal variance in the kernel is set to the empirical variance.

build_gpr(data:, search_space: | None = None, kernel_priors: bool = True, likelihood_variance: float | None = None, trainable_likelihood: bool = False, kernel: gpflow.kernels.Kernel | None = None) gpflow.models.GPR[source]#

Build a GPR model with sensible initial parameters and priors. By default, we use Matern52 kernel and Constant mean function in the model. We found the default configuration used here to work well in most situations, but it should not be taken as a universally good solution.

We set priors for kernel hyperparameters by default in order to stabilize model fitting. We found the priors below to be highly effective for objective functions defined over the unit hypercube. They do seem to work for other search space sizes, but we advise caution when using them in such search spaces. Using priors allows for using maximum a posteriori estimate of these kernel parameters during model fitting.

Note that although we scale parameters as a function of the size of the search space, ideally inputs should be normalised to the unit hypercube before building a model.

  • data – Dataset from the initial design, used for estimating the variance of observations.

  • search_space – Search space for performing Bayesian optimization, used for scaling the parameters. Required unless a kernel is passed.

  • kernel_priors – If set to True (default) priors are set for kernel parameters (variance and lengthscale).

  • likelihood_variance – Likelihood (noise) variance parameter can be optionally set to a certain value. If left unspecified (default), the noise variance is set to maintain the signal to noise ratio of value given by SIGNAL_NOISE_RATIO_LIKELIHOOD, where signal variance in the kernel is set to the empirical variance.

  • trainable_likelihood – If set to True Gaussian likelihood parameter is set to non-trainable. By default set to False.

  • kernel – The kernel to use in the model, defaults to letting the function set up a Matern52 kernel.


A GPR model.

build_sgpr(data:, search_space:, kernel_priors: bool = True, likelihood_variance: float | None = None, trainable_likelihood: bool = False, num_inducing_points: int | None = None, trainable_inducing_points: bool = False) gpflow.models.SGPR[source]#

Build a SGPR model with sensible initial parameters and priors. We use Matern52 kernel and Constant mean function in the model. We found the default configuration used here to work well in most situation, but it should not be taken as a universally good solution.

We set priors for kernel hyperparameters by default in order to stabilize model fitting. We found the priors below to be highly effective for objective functions defined over the unit hypercube. They do seem to work for other search space sizes, but we advise caution when using them in such search spaces. Using priors allows for using maximum a posteriori estimate of these kernel parameters during model fitting.

For performance reasons number of inducing points should not be changed during Bayesian optimization. Hence, even if the initial dataset is smaller, we advise setting this to a higher number. By default inducing points are set to Sobol samples for the continuous search space, and simple random samples for discrete or mixed search spaces. This carries the risk that optimization gets stuck if they are not trainable, which calls for adaptive inducing point selection during the optimization. This functionality will be added to Trieste in future.

Note that although we scale parameters as a function of the size of the search space, ideally inputs should be normalised to the unit hypercube before building a model.

  • data – Dataset from the initial design, used for estimating the variance of observations.

  • search_space – Search space for performing Bayesian optimization, used for scaling the parameters.

  • kernel_priors – If set to True (default) priors are set for kernel parameters (variance and lengthscale).

  • likelihood_variance – Likelihood (noise) variance parameter can be optionally set to a certain value. If left unspecified (default), the noise variance is set to maintain the signal to noise ratio of value given by SIGNAL_NOISE_RATIO_LIKELIHOOD, where signal variance in the kernel is set to the empirical variance.

  • trainable_likelihood – If set to True Gaussian likelihood parameter is set to be trainable. By default set to False.

  • num_inducing_points – The number of inducing points can be optionally set to a certain value. If left unspecified (default), this number is set to either NUM_INDUCING_POINTS_PER_DIM``*dimensionality of the search space or value given by ``MAX_NUM_INDUCING_POINTS, whichever is smaller.

  • trainable_inducing_points – If set to True inducing points will be set to be trainable. This option should be used with caution. By default set to False.


An SGPR model.

build_vgp_classifier(data:, search_space:, kernel_priors: bool = True, noise_free: bool = False, kernel_variance: float | None = None) gpflow.models.VGP[source]#

Build a VGP binary classification model with sensible initial parameters and priors. We use Matern52 kernel and Constant mean function in the model. We found the default configuration used here to work well in most situation, but it should not be taken as a universally good solution.

We set priors for kernel hyperparameters by default in order to stabilize model fitting. We found the priors below to be highly effective for objective functions defined over the unit hypercube. They do seem to work for other search space sizes, but we advise caution when using them in such search spaces. Using priors allows for using maximum a posteriori estimate of these kernel parameters during model fitting. In the noise_free case we do not use prior for the kernel variance parameters.

Note that although we scale parameters as a function of the size of the search space, ideally inputs should be normalised to the unit hypercube before building a model.

  • data – Dataset from the initial design, used for estimating the variance of observations.

  • search_space – Search space for performing Bayesian optimization, used for scaling the parameters.

  • kernel_priors – If set to True (default) priors are set for kernel parameters (variance and lengthscale). In the noise_free case kernel variance prior is not set.

  • noise_free – If there is a prior information that the classification problem is a deterministic one, this should be set to True and kernel variance will be fixed to a higher default value CLASSIFICATION_KERNEL_VARIANCE_NOISE_FREE leading to sharper classification boundary. In this case prior for the kernel variance parameter is also not set. By default set to False.

  • kernel_variance – Kernel variance parameter can be optionally set to a certain value. If left unspecified (default), the kernel variance is set to CLASSIFICATION_KERNEL_VARIANCE_NOISE_FREE in the noise_free case and to CLASSIFICATION_KERNEL_VARIANCE otherwise.


A VGP model.

build_svgp(data:, search_space:, classification: bool = False, kernel_priors: bool = True, likelihood_variance: float | None = None, trainable_likelihood: bool = False, num_inducing_points: int | None = None, trainable_inducing_points: bool = False) gpflow.models.SVGP[source]#

Build a SVGP model with sensible initial parameters and priors. Both regression and binary classification models are available. We use Matern52 kernel and Constant mean function in the model. We found the default configuration used here to work well in most situation, but it should not be taken as a universally good solution.

We set priors for kernel hyperparameters by default in order to stabilize model fitting. We found the priors below to be highly effective for objective functions defined over the unit hypercube. They do seem to work for other search space sizes, but we advise caution when using them in such search spaces. Using priors allows for using maximum a posteriori estimate of these kernel parameters during model fitting.

For performance reasons number of inducing points should not be changed during Bayesian optimization. Hence, even if the initial dataset is smaller, we advise setting this to a higher number. By default inducing points are set to Sobol samples for the continuous search space, and simple random samples for discrete or mixed search spaces. This carries the risk that optimization gets stuck if they are not trainable, which calls for adaptive inducing point selection during the optimization. This functionality will be added to Trieste in future.

Note that although we scale parameters as a function of the size of the search space, ideally inputs should be normalised to the unit hypercube before building a model.

  • data – Dataset from the initial design, used for estimating the variance of observations.

  • search_space – Search space for performing Bayesian optimization, used for scaling the parameters.

  • classification – If a classification model is needed, this should be set to True, in which case a Bernoulli likelihood will be used. If a regression model is required, this should be set to False (default), in which case a Gaussian likelihood is used.

  • kernel_priors – If set to True (default) priors are set for kernel parameters (variance and lengthscale).

  • likelihood_variance – Likelihood (noise) variance parameter can be optionally set to a certain value. If left unspecified (default), the noise variance is set to maintain the signal to noise ratio of value given by SIGNAL_NOISE_RATIO_LIKELIHOOD, where signal variance in the kernel is set to the empirical variance. This argument is ignored in the classification case.

  • trainable_likelihood – If set to True likelihood parameter is set to be trainable. By default set to False. This argument is ignored in the classification case.

  • num_inducing_points – The number of inducing points can be optionally set to a certain value. If left unspecified (default), this number is set to either NUM_INDUCING_POINTS_PER_DIM``*dimensionality of the search space or value given by ``MAX_NUM_INDUCING_POINTS, whichever is smaller.

  • trainable_inducing_points – If set to True inducing points will be set to be trainable. This option should be used with caution. By default set to False.


An SVGP model.

build_multifidelity_autoregressive_models(dataset:, num_fidelities: int, input_search_space:, likelihood_variance: float = 1e-06, kernel_priors: bool = False, trainable_likelihood: bool = False) Sequence[trieste.models.gpflow.models.GaussianProcessRegression][source]#

Build the individual GPR models required for constructing an MultifidelityAutoregressive model with num_fidelities fidelities.

  • dataset – Dataset of points with which to initialise the individual models, where the final column of the final dimension of the query points contains the fidelity

  • num_fidelities – Number of fidelities desired for the MultifidelityAutoregressive model

  • input_search_space – The input search space of the models


List of initialised GPR models

build_multifidelity_nonlinear_autoregressive_models(dataset:, num_fidelities: int, input_search_space:, kernel_base_class: Type[gpflow.kernels.Stationary] = gpflow.kernels.Matern32, kernel_priors: bool = True, trainable_likelihood: bool = False) Sequence[trieste.models.gpflow.models.GaussianProcessRegression][source]#

Build models for training the trieste.models.gpflow.MultifidelityNonlinearAutoregressive` model

Builds a basic Matern32 kernel for the lowest fidelity, and the custom kernel described in [PRD+17] for the higher fidelities, which also have an extra input dimension. Note that the initial data that the models with fidelity greater than 0 are initialised with contain dummy data in this extra dimension, and so an update of the MultifidelityNonlinearAutoregressive is required to propagate real data through to these models.

  • dataset – The dataset to use to initialise the models

  • num_fidelities – The number of fidelities to model

  • input_search_space – the search space, used to initialise the kernel parameters

  • kernel_base_class – a stationary kernel type

  • kernel_priors – If set to True (default) priors are set for kernel parameters (variance and lengthscale).


gprs: A list containing gprs that can be used for the multifidelity model