
This package contains the primary interface for deep neural network models. It also contains a number of TrainableProbabilisticModel wrappers for neural network models. Note that currently copying/saving models is not supported, so when BayesianOptimizer is used track_state should be set to False.


Package Contents#

class GaussianNetwork(input_tensor_spec: tensorflow.TensorSpec, output_tensor_spec: tensorflow.TensorSpec, hidden_layer_args: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] = ({'units': 50, 'activation': 'relu'}, {'units': 50, 'activation': 'relu'}), independent: bool = False)[source]#

Bases: KerasEnsembleNetwork

This class defines layers of a probabilistic neural network using Keras. The network architecture is a multilayer fully-connected feed-forward network, with Gaussian distribution as an output. The layers are meant to be built as an ensemble model by KerasEnsemble. Note that this is not a Bayesian neural network.

  • input_tensor_spec – Tensor specification for the input to the network.

  • output_tensor_spec – Tensor specification for the output of the network.

  • hidden_layer_args – Specification for building dense hidden layers. Each element in the sequence should be a dictionary containing arguments (keys) and their values for a Dense hidden layer. Please check Keras Dense layer API for available arguments. Objects in the sequence will sequentially be used to add Dense layers. Length of this sequence determines the number of hidden layers in the network. Default value is two hidden layers, 50 nodes each, with ReLu activation functions. Empty sequence needs to be passed to have no hidden layers.

  • independent – In case multiple outputs are modeled, if set to True then IndependentNormal layer is used as the output layer. This models outputs as independent, only the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix are parametrized. If left as the default False, then MultivariateNormalTriL layer is used where correlations between outputs are learned as well.


ValueError – If objects in hidden_layer_args are not dictionaries.

connect_layers() tuple[tensorflow.Tensor, tensorflow.Tensor][source]#

Connect all layers in the network. We start by generating an input tensor based on input tensor specification. Next we generate a sequence of hidden dense layers based on hidden layer arguments. Finally, we generate a dense layer whose nodes act as parameters of a Gaussian distribution in the final probabilistic layer.


Input and output tensor of the sequence of layers.

class KerasEnsemble(networks: Sequence[KerasEnsembleNetwork])[source]#

This class builds an ensemble of neural networks, using Keras. Individual networks must be instance of KerasEnsembleNetwork. This class is meant to be used with DeepEnsemble model wrapper, which compiles the model.


networks – A list of neural network specifications, one for each member of the ensemble. The ensemble will be built using these specifications.


ValueError – If there are no objects in networks or we try to create a model with networks whose input or output shapes are not the same.

property model: tensorflow.keras.Model#

Returns built but uncompiled Keras ensemble model.

property ensemble_size: int#

Returns the size of the ensemble, that is, the number of base learners or individual neural network models in the ensemble.

_build_ensemble() tensorflow.keras.Model[source]#

Builds the ensemble model by combining all the individual networks in a single Keras model. This method relies on connect_layers method of KerasEnsembleNetwork objects to construct individual networks.


The Keras model.

class KerasEnsembleNetwork(input_tensor_spec: tensorflow.TensorSpec, output_tensor_spec: tensorflow.TensorSpec, network_name: str = '')[source]#

This class is an interface that defines necessary attributes and methods for neural networks that are meant to be used for building ensembles by KerasEnsemble. Subclasses are not meant to build and compile Keras models, instead they are providing specification that KerasEnsemble will use to build the Keras model.

  • input_tensor_spec – Tensor specification for the input to the network.

  • output_tensor_spec – Tensor specification for the output of the network.

  • network_name – The name to be used when building the network.

abstract connect_layers() tuple[tensorflow.Tensor, tensorflow.Tensor][source]#

Connects the layers of the neural network. Architecture, layers and layer specifications need to be defined by the subclasses.


Input and output tensor of the network, required by tf.keras.Model to build a model.

build_keras_ensemble(data:, ensemble_size: int = 5, num_hidden_layers: int = 2, units: int = 25, activation: str | tensorflow.keras.layers.Activation = 'relu', independent_normal: bool = False) trieste.models.keras.architectures.KerasEnsemble[source]#

Builds a simple ensemble of neural networks in Keras where each network has the same architecture: number of hidden layers, nodes in hidden layers and activation function.

Default ensemble size and activation function seem to work well in practice, in regression type of problems at least. Number of hidden layers and units per layer should be modified according to the dataset size and complexity of the function - the default values seem to work well for small datasets common in Bayesian optimization. Using the independent normal is relevant only if one is modelling multiple output variables, as it simplifies the distribution by ignoring correlations between outputs.

  • data – Data for training, used for extracting input and output tensor specifications.

  • ensemble_size – The size of the ensemble, that is, the number of base learners or individual neural networks in the ensemble.

  • num_hidden_layers – The number of hidden layers in each network.

  • units – The number of nodes in each hidden layer.

  • activation – The activation function in each hidden layer.

  • independent_normal – If set to True then IndependentNormal layer is used as the output layer. This models outputs as independent, only the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix are parametrized. If left as the default False, then MultivariateNormalTriL layer is used where correlations between outputs are learned as well. Note that this is only relevant for multi-output models.


Keras ensemble model.

class DeepEnsembleModel[source]#

Bases: trieste.models.interfaces.ProbabilisticModel, typing_extensions.Protocol

This is an interface for deep ensemble type of model, primarily for usage by trajectory samplers, to avoid circular imports. These models can act as probabilistic models by deriving estimates of epistemic uncertainty from the diversity of predictions made by individual models in the ensemble.

abstract property ensemble_size: int#

Returns the size of the ensemble, that is, the number of base learners or individual models in the ensemble.

abstract property num_outputs: int#

Returns the number of outputs trained on by each member network.

abstract ensemble_distributions(query_points: trieste.types.TensorType) tuple[tensorflow_probability.distributions.Distribution, Ellipsis][source]#

Return distributions for each member of the ensemble. Type of the output will depend on the subclass, it might be a predicted value or a distribution.


query_points – The points at which to return outputs.


The outputs for the observations at the specified query_points for each member of the ensemble.

class KerasPredictor(optimizer: trieste.models.optimizer.KerasOptimizer | None = None)[source]#

Bases: trieste.models.interfaces.ProbabilisticModel, abc.ABC

This is an interface for trainable wrappers of TensorFlow and Keras neural network models.


optimizer – The optimizer wrapper containing the optimizer with which to train the model and arguments for the wrapper and the optimizer. The optimizer must be an instance of a Optimizer. Defaults to Adam optimizer with default parameters.


ValueError – If the optimizer is not an instance of Optimizer.

abstract property model: tensorflow.keras.Model#

The compiled Keras model.

property optimizer: trieste.models.optimizer.KerasOptimizer#

The optimizer wrapper for training the model.

predict(query_points: trieste.types.TensorType) tuple[trieste.types.TensorType, trieste.types.TensorType][source]#

Return the mean and variance of the independent marginal distributions at each point in query_points.

This is essentially a convenience method for predict_joint(), where non-event dimensions of query_points are all interpreted as broadcasting dimensions instead of batch dimensions, and the covariance is squeezed to remove redundant nesting.


query_points – The points at which to make predictions, of shape […, D].


The mean and variance of the independent marginal distributions at each point in query_points. For a predictive distribution with event shape E, the mean and variance will both have shape […] + E.

abstract sample(query_points: trieste.types.TensorType, num_samples: int) trieste.types.TensorType[source]#

Return num_samples samples from the independent marginal distributions at query_points.

  • query_points – The points at which to sample, with shape […, N, D].

  • num_samples – The number of samples at each point.


The samples. For a predictive distribution with event shape E, this has shape […, S, N] + E, where S is the number of samples.

log(dataset: | None = None) None[source]#

Log model-specific information at a given optimization step.


dataset – Optional data that can be used to log additional data-based model summaries.

class DeepEnsemble(model: trieste.models.keras.architectures.KerasEnsemble, optimizer: trieste.models.optimizer.KerasOptimizer | None = None, bootstrap: bool = False, diversify: bool = False, continuous_optimisation: bool = True)[source]#

Bases: trieste.models.keras.interface.KerasPredictor, trieste.models.interfaces.TrainableProbabilisticModel, trieste.models.keras.interface.DeepEnsembleModel, trieste.models.interfaces.HasTrajectorySampler

A TrainableProbabilisticModel wrapper for deep ensembles built using Keras.

Deep ensembles are ensembles of deep neural networks that have been found to have good representation of uncertainty in practice (<cite data-cite=”lakshminarayanan2017simple”/>). This makes them a potentially attractive model for Bayesian optimization for use-cases with large number of observations, non-stationary objective functions and need for fast predictions, in which standard Gaussian process models are likely to struggle. The model consists of simple fully connected multilayer probabilistic networks as base learners, with Gaussian distribution as a final layer, using the negative log-likelihood loss for training the networks. The model relies on differences in random initialization of weights for generating diversity among base learners.

The original formulation of the model does not include boostrapping of the data. The authors found that it does not improve performance the model. We include bootstrapping as an option as later work that more precisely measured uncertainty quantification found that boostrapping does help with uncertainty representation (see <cite data-cite=”osband2021epistemic”/>).

We provide classes for constructing ensembles using Keras (KerasEnsemble) in the architectures package that should be used with the DeepEnsemble wrapper. There we also provide a GaussianNetwork base learner following the original formulation in <cite data-cite=”lakshminarayanan2017simple”/>, but any user-specified network can be supplied, as long as it has a Gaussian distribution as a final layer and follows the KerasEnsembleNetwork interface.

A word of caution in case a learning rate scheduler is used in fit_args to KerasOptimizer optimizer instance. Typically one would not want to continue with the reduced learning rate in the subsequent Bayesian optimization step. Hence, we reset the learning rate to the original one after calling the fit method. In case this is not the behaviour you would like, you will need to subclass the model and overwrite the optimize() method.

Currently we do not support setting up the model with dictionary config.

  • model – A Keras ensemble model with probabilistic networks as ensemble members. The model has to be built but not compiled.

  • optimizer – The optimizer wrapper with necessary specifications for compiling and training the model. Defaults to KerasOptimizer with Adam optimizer, negative log likelihood loss, mean squared error metric and a dictionary of default arguments for Keras fit method: 3000 epochs, batch size 16, early stopping callback with patience of 50, and verbose 0. See for a list of possible arguments.

  • bootstrap – Sample with replacement data for training each network in the ensemble. By default set to False.

  • diversify – Whether to use quantiles from the approximate Gaussian distribution of the ensemble as trajectories instead of mean predictions when calling trajectory_sampler(). This mode can be used to increase the diversity in case of optimizing very large batches of trajectories. By default set to False.

  • continuous_optimisation – If True (default), the optimizer will keep track of the number of epochs across BO iterations and use this number as initial_epoch. This is essential to allow monitoring of model training across BO iterations.


ValueError – If model is not an instance of KerasEnsemble or ensemble has less than two base learners (networks).

property model: tensorflow.keras.Model#

“ Returns compiled Keras ensemble model.

property ensemble_size: int#

Returns the size of the ensemble, that is, the number of base learners or individual neural network models in the ensemble.

property num_outputs: int#

Returns the number of outputs trained on by each member network.

prepare_dataset(dataset: tuple[Dict[str, trieste.types.TensorType], Dict[str, trieste.types.TensorType]][source]#

Transform dataset into inputs and outputs with correct names that can be used for training the KerasEnsemble model.

If bootstrap argument in the DeepEnsemble is set to True, data will be additionally sampled with replacement, independently for each network in the ensemble.


dataset – A dataset with query_points and observations tensors.


A dictionary with input data and a dictionary with output data.

prepare_query_points(query_points: trieste.types.TensorType) Dict[str, trieste.types.TensorType][source]#

Transform query_points into inputs with correct names that can be used for predicting with the model.


query_points – A tensor with query_points.


A dictionary with query_points prepared for predictions.

ensemble_distributions(query_points: trieste.types.TensorType) tuple[tensorflow_probability.python.distributions.Distribution, Ellipsis][source]#

Return distributions for each member of the ensemble.


query_points – The points at which to return distributions.


The distributions for the observations at the specified query_points for each member of the ensemble.

predict(query_points: trieste.types.TensorType) tuple[trieste.types.TensorType, trieste.types.TensorType][source]#

Returns mean and variance at query_points for the whole ensemble.

Following <cite data-cite=”lakshminarayanan2017simple”/> we treat the ensemble as a uniformly-weighted Gaussian mixture model and combine the predictions as

\[p(y|\mathbf{x}) = M^{-1} \Sum_{m=1}^M \mathcal{N} (\mu_{\theta_m}(\mathbf{x}),\,\sigma_{\theta_m}^{2}(\mathbf{x}))\]

We further approximate the ensemble prediction as a Gaussian whose mean and variance are respectively the mean and variance of the mixture, given by

\[\mu_{*}(\mathbf{x}) = M^{-1} \Sum_{m=1}^M \mu_{\theta_m}(\mathbf{x})\]
\[\sigma^2_{*}(\mathbf{x}) = M^{-1} \Sum_{m=1}^M (\sigma_{\theta_m}^{2}(\mathbf{x}) + \mu^2_{\theta_m}(\mathbf{x})) - \mu^2_{*}(\mathbf{x})\]

This method assumes that the final layer in each member of the ensemble is probabilistic, an instance of Distribution. In particular, given the nature of the approximations stated above the final layer should be a Gaussian distribution with mean and variance methods.


query_points – The points at which to make predictions.


The predicted mean and variance of the observations at the specified query_points.

predict_ensemble(query_points: trieste.types.TensorType) tuple[trieste.types.TensorType, trieste.types.TensorType][source]#

Returns mean and variance at query_points for each member of the ensemble. First tensor is the mean and second is the variance, where each has shape […, M, N, 1], where M is the ensemble_size.

This method assumes that the final layer in each member of the ensemble is probabilistic, an instance of ¬tfp.distributions.Distribution, in particular mean and variance methods should be available.


query_points – The points at which to make predictions.


The predicted mean and variance of the observations at the specified query_points for each member of the ensemble.

sample(query_points: trieste.types.TensorType, num_samples: int) trieste.types.TensorType[source]#

Return num_samples samples at query_points. We use the mixture approximation in predict() for query_points and sample num_samples times from a Gaussian distribution given by the predicted mean and variance.

  • query_points – The points at which to sample, with shape […, N, D].

  • num_samples – The number of samples at each point.


The samples. For a predictive distribution with event shape E, this has shape […, S, N] + E, where S is the number of samples.

sample_ensemble(query_points: trieste.types.TensorType, num_samples: int) trieste.types.TensorType[source]#

Return num_samples samples at query_points. Each sample is taken from a Gaussian distribution given by the predicted mean and variance of a randomly chosen network in the ensemble. This avoids using the Gaussian mixture approximation and samples directly from individual Gaussian distributions given by each network in the ensemble.

  • query_points – The points at which to sample, with shape […, N, D].

  • num_samples – The number of samples at each point.


The samples. For a predictive distribution with event shape E, this has shape […, S, N] + E, where S is the number of samples.

trajectory_sampler() trieste.models.interfaces.TrajectorySampler[DeepEnsemble][source]#

Return a trajectory sampler. For DeepEnsemble, we use an ensemble sampler that randomly picks a network from the ensemble and uses its predicted means for generating a trajectory, or optionally randomly sampled quantiles rather than means.


The trajectory sampler.

update(dataset: None[source]#

Neural networks are parametric models and do not need to update data. TrainableProbabilisticModel interface, however, requires an update method, so here we simply pass the execution.

optimize(dataset: keras.callbacks.History[source]#

Optimize the underlying Keras ensemble model with the specified dataset.

Optimization is performed by using the Keras fit method, rather than applying the optimizer and using the batches supplied with the optimizer wrapper. User can pass arguments to the fit method through minimize_args argument in the optimizer wrapper. These default to using 100 epochs, batch size 100, and verbose 0. See for a list of possible arguments.

Note that optimization does not return the result, instead optimization results are stored in a history attribute of the model object.


dataset – The data with which to optimize the model.

log(dataset: | None = None) None[source]#

Log model training information at a given optimization step to the Tensorboard. We log several summary statistics of losses and metrics given in fit_args to optimizer (final, difference between inital and final loss, min and max). We also log epoch statistics, but as histograms, rather than time series. We also log several training data based metrics, such as root mean square error between predictions and observations, and several others.

We do not log statistics of individual models in the ensemble unless specifically switched on with trieste.logging.set_summary_filter(lambda name: True).

For custom logs user will need to subclass the model and overwrite this method.


dataset – Optional data that can be used to log additional data-based model summaries.

class DeepEnsembleTrajectorySampler(model: trieste.models.keras.interface.DeepEnsembleModel, diversify: bool = False, seed: int | None = None)[source]#

Bases: trieste.models.interfaces.TrajectorySampler[trieste.models.keras.interface.DeepEnsembleModel]

This class builds functions that approximate a trajectory by randomly choosing a network from the ensemble and using its predicted means as a trajectory.

Option diversify can be used to increase the diversity in case of optimizing very large batches of trajectories. We use quantiles from the approximate Gaussian distribution of the ensemble as trajectories, with randomly chosen quantiles approximating a trajectory and using a reparametrisation trick to speed up computation. Note that quantiles are not true trajectories, so this will likely have some performance costs.

  • model – The ensemble model to sample from.

  • diversify – Whether to use quantiles from the approximate Gaussian distribution of the ensemble as trajectories (False by default). See class docstring for details.

  • seed – Random number seed to use for trajectory sampling.


NotImplementedError – If we try to use the model that is not instance of DeepEnsembleModel.

get_trajectory() trieste.models.interfaces.TrajectoryFunction[source]#

Generate an approximate function draw (trajectory) from the ensemble.


A trajectory function representing an approximate trajectory from the model, taking an input of shape [N, B, D] and returning shape [N, B, L].

update_trajectory(trajectory: trieste.models.interfaces.TrajectoryFunction) trieste.models.interfaces.TrajectoryFunction[source]#

Update a TrajectoryFunction to reflect an update in its underlying DeepEnsembleModel and resample accordingly.

Here we rely on the underlying models being updated and we only resample the trajectory.


trajectory – The trajectory function to be resampled.


The new trajectory function updated for a new model

resample_trajectory(trajectory: trieste.models.interfaces.TrajectoryFunction) trieste.models.interfaces.TrajectoryFunction[source]#

Efficiently resample a TrajectoryFunction in-place to avoid function retracing with every new sample.


trajectory – The trajectory function to be resampled.


The new resampled trajectory function.

class deep_ensemble_trajectory(model: trieste.models.keras.interface.DeepEnsembleModel, diversify: bool, seed: int | None = None)[source]#

Bases: trieste.models.interfaces.TrajectoryFunctionClass

Generate an approximate function draw (trajectory) by randomly choosing a batch B of networks from the ensemble and using their predicted means as trajectories.

Option diversify can be used to increase the diversity in case of optimizing very large batches of trajectories. We use quantiles from the approximate Gaussian distribution of the ensemble as trajectories, with randomly chosen quantiles approximating a trajectory and using a reparametrisation trick to speed up computation. Note that quantiles are not true trajectories, so this will likely have some performance costs.

  • model – The model of the objective function.

  • diversify – Whether to use samples from final probabilistic layer as trajectories or mean predictions.

  • seed – Optional RNG seed.

__call__(x: trieste.types.TensorType) trieste.types.TensorType[source]#

Call trajectory function. Note that we are flattening the batch dimension and doing a forward pass with each network in the ensemble with the whole batch. This is somewhat wasteful, but is necessary given the underlying KerasEnsemble network model.

resample() None[source]#

Efficiently resample network indices in-place, without retracing.

get_state() Dict[str, trieste.types.TensorType][source]#

Return internal state variables.

get_tensor_spec_from_data(dataset: tuple[tensorflow.TensorSpec, tensorflow.TensorSpec][source]#

Extract tensor specifications for inputs and outputs of neural network models, based on the dataset. This utility faciliates constructing neural networks, providing the required dimensions for the input and the output of the network. For example

>>> data = Dataset(
...     tf.constant([[0.1, 0.2], [0.3, 0.4]]),
...     tf.constant([[0.5], [0.7]])
... )
>>> input_spec, output_spec = get_tensor_spec_from_data(data)
>>> input_spec
TensorSpec(shape=(2,), dtype=tf.float32, name='query_points')
>>> output_spec
TensorSpec(shape=(1,), dtype=tf.float32, name='observations')

dataset – A dataset with query_points and observations tensors.


Tensor specification objects for the query_points and observations tensors.


ValueError – If the dataset is not an instance of Dataset.

negative_log_likelihood(y_true: trieste.types.TensorType, y_pred: tensorflow_probability.distributions.Distribution) trieste.types.TensorType[source]#

Maximum likelihood objective function for training neural networks.

  • y_true – The output variable values.

  • y_pred – The output layer of the model. It has to be a probabilistic neural network with a distribution as a final layer.


Negative log likelihood values.


Create a new dataset with data sampled with replacement. This function is useful for creating bootstrap samples of data for training ensembles.


dataset – The data that should be sampled.


A (new) dataset with sampled data.


ValueError (or InvalidArgumentError) – If the dataset is not an instance of Dataset or it is empty.