Source code for trieste.acquisition.interface

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This module contains the interfaces relating to acquisition function --- functions that estimate
the utility of evaluating sets of candidate points.
from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Callable, Generic, Mapping, Optional

from import Dataset
from ..models.interfaces import ProbabilisticModelType
from ..types import Tag, TensorType

[docs]AcquisitionFunction = Callable[[TensorType], TensorType]
""" Type alias for acquisition functions. An :const:`AcquisitionFunction` maps a set of `B` query points (each of dimension `D`) to a single value that describes how useful it would be evaluate all these points together (to our goal of optimizing the objective function). Thus, with leading dimensions, an :const:`AcquisitionFunction` takes input shape `[..., B, D]` and returns shape `[..., 1]`. Note that :const:`AcquisitionFunction`s which do not support batch optimization still expect inputs with a batch dimension, i.e. an input of shape `[..., 1, D]`. """
[docs]class AcquisitionFunctionClass(ABC): """An :class:`AcquisitionFunctionClass` is an acquisition function represented using a class rather than as a standalone function. Using a class to represent an acquisition function makes it easier to update it, to avoid having to retrace the function on every call. """ @abstractmethod
[docs] def __call__(self, x: TensorType) -> TensorType: """Call acquisition function."""
[docs]class AcquisitionFunctionBuilder(Generic[ProbabilisticModelType], ABC): """An :class:`AcquisitionFunctionBuilder` builds and updates an acquisition function.""" @abstractmethod
[docs] def prepare_acquisition_function( self, models: Mapping[Tag, ProbabilisticModelType], datasets: Optional[Mapping[Tag, Dataset]] = None, ) -> AcquisitionFunction: """ Prepare an acquisition function. We assume that this requires at least models, but it may sometimes also need data. :param models: The models for each tag. :param datasets: The data from the observer (optional). :return: An acquisition function. """
[docs] def update_acquisition_function( self, function: AcquisitionFunction, models: Mapping[Tag, ProbabilisticModelType], datasets: Optional[Mapping[Tag, Dataset]] = None, ) -> AcquisitionFunction: """ Update an acquisition function. By default this generates a new acquisition function each time. However, if the function is decorated with `@tf.function`, then you can override this method to update its variables instead and avoid retracing the acquisition function on every optimization loop. :param function: The acquisition function to update. :param models: The models for each tag. :param datasets: The data from the observer (optional). :return: The updated acquisition function. """ return self.prepare_acquisition_function(models, datasets=datasets)
[docs]class SingleModelAcquisitionBuilder(Generic[ProbabilisticModelType], ABC): """ Convenience acquisition function builder for an acquisition function (or component of a composite acquisition function) that requires only one model, dataset pair. """
[docs] def using(self, tag: Tag) -> AcquisitionFunctionBuilder[ProbabilisticModelType]: """ :param tag: The tag for the model, dataset pair to use to build this acquisition function. :return: An acquisition function builder that selects the model and dataset specified by ``tag``, as defined in :meth:`prepare_acquisition_function`. """ class _Anon(AcquisitionFunctionBuilder[ProbabilisticModelType]): def __init__( self, single_builder: SingleModelAcquisitionBuilder[ProbabilisticModelType] ): self.single_builder = single_builder def prepare_acquisition_function( self, models: Mapping[Tag, ProbabilisticModelType], datasets: Optional[Mapping[Tag, Dataset]] = None, ) -> AcquisitionFunction: return self.single_builder.prepare_acquisition_function( models[tag], dataset=None if datasets is None else datasets[tag] ) def update_acquisition_function( self, function: AcquisitionFunction, models: Mapping[Tag, ProbabilisticModelType], datasets: Optional[Mapping[Tag, Dataset]] = None, ) -> AcquisitionFunction: return self.single_builder.update_acquisition_function( function, models[tag], dataset=None if datasets is None else datasets[tag] ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.single_builder!r} using tag {tag!r}" return _Anon(self)
[docs] def prepare_acquisition_function( self, model: ProbabilisticModelType, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None, ) -> AcquisitionFunction: """ :param model: The model. :param dataset: The data to use to build the acquisition function (optional). :return: An acquisition function. """
[docs] def update_acquisition_function( self, function: AcquisitionFunction, model: ProbabilisticModelType, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None, ) -> AcquisitionFunction: """ :param function: The acquisition function to update. :param model: The model. :param dataset: The data from the observer (optional). :return: The updated acquisition function. """ return self.prepare_acquisition_function(model, dataset=dataset)
[docs]class GreedyAcquisitionFunctionBuilder(Generic[ProbabilisticModelType], ABC): """ A :class:`GreedyAcquisitionFunctionBuilder` builds an acquisition function suitable for greedily building batches for batch Bayesian Optimization. A :class:`GreedyAcquisitionFunctionBuilder` differs from an :class:`AcquisitionFunctionBuilder` by requiring that a set of pending points is passed to the builder. Note that this acquisition function is typically called `B` times each Bayesian optimization step, when building batches of size `B`. """ @abstractmethod
[docs] def prepare_acquisition_function( self, models: Mapping[Tag, ProbabilisticModelType], datasets: Optional[Mapping[Tag, Dataset]] = None, pending_points: Optional[TensorType] = None, ) -> AcquisitionFunction: """ Generate a new acquisition function. The first time this is called, ``pending_points`` will be `None`. Subsequent calls will be via ``update_acquisition_function`` below, unless that has been overridden. :param models: The models over each tag. :param datasets: The data from the observer (optional). :param pending_points: Points already chosen to be in the current batch (of shape [M,D]), where M is the number of pending points and D is the search space dimension. :return: An acquisition function. """
[docs] def update_acquisition_function( self, function: AcquisitionFunction, models: Mapping[Tag, ProbabilisticModelType], datasets: Optional[Mapping[Tag, Dataset]] = None, pending_points: Optional[TensorType] = None, new_optimization_step: bool = True, ) -> AcquisitionFunction: """ Update an acquisition function. By default this generates a new acquisition function each time. However, if the function is decorated with`@tf.function`, then you can override this method to update its variables instead and avoid retracing the acquisition function on every optimization loop. :param function: The acquisition function to update. :param models: The models over each tag. :param datasets: The data from the observer (optional). :param pending_points: Points already chosen to be in the current batch (of shape [M,D]), where M is the number of pending points and D is the search space dimension. :param new_optimization_step: Indicates whether this call to update_acquisition_function is to start of a new optimization step, of to continue collecting batch of points for the current step. Defaults to ``True``. :return: The updated acquisition function. """ return self.prepare_acquisition_function( models, datasets=datasets, pending_points=pending_points
[docs]class SingleModelGreedyAcquisitionBuilder(Generic[ProbabilisticModelType], ABC): """ Convenience acquisition function builder for a greedy acquisition function (or component of a composite greedy acquisition function) that requires only one model, dataset pair. """
[docs] def using(self, tag: Tag) -> GreedyAcquisitionFunctionBuilder[ProbabilisticModelType]: """ :param tag: The tag for the model, dataset pair to use to build this acquisition function. :return: An acquisition function builder that selects the model and dataset specified by ``tag``, as defined in :meth:`prepare_acquisition_function`. """ class _Anon(GreedyAcquisitionFunctionBuilder[ProbabilisticModelType]): def __init__( self, single_builder: SingleModelGreedyAcquisitionBuilder[ProbabilisticModelType] ): self.single_builder = single_builder def prepare_acquisition_function( self, models: Mapping[Tag, ProbabilisticModelType], datasets: Optional[Mapping[Tag, Dataset]] = None, pending_points: Optional[TensorType] = None, ) -> AcquisitionFunction: return self.single_builder.prepare_acquisition_function( models[tag], dataset=None if datasets is None else datasets[tag], pending_points=pending_points, ) def update_acquisition_function( self, function: AcquisitionFunction, models: Mapping[Tag, ProbabilisticModelType], datasets: Optional[Mapping[Tag, Dataset]] = None, pending_points: Optional[TensorType] = None, new_optimization_step: bool = True, ) -> AcquisitionFunction: return self.single_builder.update_acquisition_function( function, models[tag], dataset=None if datasets is None else datasets[tag], pending_points=pending_points, new_optimization_step=new_optimization_step, ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.single_builder!r} using tag {tag!r}" return _Anon(self)
[docs] def prepare_acquisition_function( self, model: ProbabilisticModelType, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None, pending_points: Optional[TensorType] = None, ) -> AcquisitionFunction: """ :param model: The model. :param dataset: The data from the observer (optional). :param pending_points: Points already chosen to be in the current batch (of shape [M,D]), where M is the number of pending points and D is the search space dimension. :return: An acquisition function. """
[docs] def update_acquisition_function( self, function: AcquisitionFunction, model: ProbabilisticModelType, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None, pending_points: Optional[TensorType] = None, new_optimization_step: bool = True, ) -> AcquisitionFunction: """ :param function: The acquisition function to update. :param model: The model. :param dataset: The data from the observer (optional). :param pending_points: Points already chosen to be in the current batch (of shape [M,D]), where M is the number of pending points and D is the search space dimension. :param new_optimization_step: Indicates whether this call to update_acquisition_function is to start of a new optimization step, of to continue collecting batch of points for the current step. Defaults to ``True``. :return: The updated acquisition function. """ return self.prepare_acquisition_function( model, dataset=dataset, pending_points=pending_points,
[docs]class VectorizedAcquisitionFunctionBuilder(AcquisitionFunctionBuilder[ProbabilisticModelType]): """ An :class:`VectorizedAcquisitionFunctionBuilder` builds and updates a vectorized acquisition function These differ from normal acquisition functions only by their output shape: rather than returning a single value, they return one value per potential query point. Thus, with leading dimensions, they take input shape `[..., B, D]` and returns shape `[..., B]`. """
[docs]class SingleModelVectorizedAcquisitionBuilder( SingleModelAcquisitionBuilder[ProbabilisticModelType] ): """ Convenience acquisition function builder for vectorized acquisition functions (or component of a composite vectorized acquisition function) that requires only one model, dataset pair. """
[docs] def using(self, tag: Tag) -> AcquisitionFunctionBuilder[ProbabilisticModelType]: """ :param tag: The tag for the model, dataset pair to use to build this acquisition function. :return: An acquisition function builder that selects the model and dataset specified by ``tag``, as defined in :meth:`prepare_acquisition_function`. """ class _Anon(VectorizedAcquisitionFunctionBuilder[ProbabilisticModelType]): def __init__( self, single_builder: SingleModelVectorizedAcquisitionBuilder[ProbabilisticModelType], ): self.single_builder = single_builder def prepare_acquisition_function( self, models: Mapping[Tag, ProbabilisticModelType], datasets: Optional[Mapping[Tag, Dataset]] = None, ) -> AcquisitionFunction: return self.single_builder.prepare_acquisition_function( models[tag], dataset=None if datasets is None else datasets[tag] ) def update_acquisition_function( self, function: AcquisitionFunction, models: Mapping[Tag, ProbabilisticModelType], datasets: Optional[Mapping[Tag, Dataset]] = None, ) -> AcquisitionFunction: return self.single_builder.update_acquisition_function( function, models[tag], dataset=None if datasets is None else datasets[tag] ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.single_builder!r} using tag {tag!r}" return _Anon(self)
[docs]PenalizationFunction = Callable[[TensorType], TensorType]
""" An :const:`PenalizationFunction` maps a query point (of dimension `D`) to a single value that described how heavily it should be penalized (a positive quantity). As penalization is applied multiplicatively to acquisition functions, small penalization outputs correspond to a stronger penalization effect. Thus, with leading dimensions, an :const:`PenalizationFunction` takes input shape `[..., 1, D]` and returns shape `[..., 1]`. """
[docs]class UpdatablePenalizationFunction(ABC): """An :class:`UpdatablePenalizationFunction` builds and updates a penalization function. Defining a penalization function that can be updated avoids having to retrace on every call.""" @abstractmethod
[docs] def __call__(self, x: TensorType) -> TensorType: """Call penalization function.."""
[docs] def update( self, pending_points: TensorType, lipschitz_constant: TensorType, eta: TensorType, ) -> None: """Update penalization function."""