Module Contents#
(new_data:, existing_data: → None[source]# Checks that new data is compatible with existing data.
- Parameters
new_data – New data.
existing_data – Existing data.
- Raises
ValueError – if trailing dimensions of the query point or observation differ.
(object: gpflow.Module) → None[source]# Sets hyperparameters to random samples from their constrained domains or (if not constraints are available) their prior distributions.
- Parameters
object – Any gpflow Module.
(object: gpflow.Module, alpha: float = 0.01, epsilon: float = 1e-07) → None[source]# Squeezes the parameters to be strictly inside their range defined by the Sigmoid, or strictly greater than the limit defined by the Shift+Softplus. This avoids having Inf unconstrained values when the parameters are exactly at the boundary.
- Parameters
object – Any gpflow Module.
alpha – the proportion of the range with which to squeeze for the Sigmoid case
epsilon – the value with which to offset the shift for the Softplus case.
- Raises
ValueError – If
is not in (0,1) or epsilon <= 0
(optimizer: Union[trieste.models.optimizer.BatchOptimizer, trieste.models.optimizer.Optimizer]) → None[source]# Check that the optimizer for the GPflow models is using a correct optimizer wrapper.
Stochastic gradient descent based methods implemented in TensorFlow would not work properly without mini-batches and hence
that prepares mini-batches and calls the optimizer iteratively needs to be used. GPflow’sScipy
optimizer on the other hand should use the non-batch wrapperOptimizer
.- Parameters
optimizer – An instance of the optimizer wrapper with the underlying optimizer.
- Raises
ValueError – If
is not usingBatchOptimizer
is usingBatchOptimizer
(kernel: gpflow.kernels.Kernel, inducing_points: trieste.types.TensorType, q_sqrt: trieste.types.TensorType, query_points_1: trieste.types.TensorType, query_points_2: trieste.types.TensorType, whiten: bool) → trieste.types.TensorType[source]# Compute the posterior covariance between sets of query points.
\[\Sigma_{12} = K_{1x}BK_{x2} + K_{12} - K_{1x}K_{xx}^{-1}K_{x2}\]where \(B = K_{xx}^{-1}(q_{sqrt}q_{sqrt}^T)K_{xx}^{-1}\) or \(B = L^{-1}(q_{sqrt}q_{sqrt}^T)(L^{-1})^T\) if we are using a whitened representation in our variational approximation. Here \(L\) is the Cholesky decomposition of \(K_{xx}\). See [Tit09] for a derivation.
Note that this function can also be applied to our
models by passing in the training data rather than the locations of the inducing points.Although query_points_2 must be a rank 2 tensor, query_points_1 can have leading dimensions.
- Inducing points
The input locations chosen for our variational approximation.
- Q_sqrt
The Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix of our variational distribution.
- Parameters
query_points_1 – Set of query points with shape […, A, D]
query_points_2 – Sets of query points with shape [B, D]
whiten – If True then use whitened representations.
- Returns
Covariance matrix between the sets of query points with shape […, L, A, B] (L being the number of latent GPs = number of output dimensions)
(kernel: gpflow.kernels.Kernel, inducing_points: trieste.types.TensorType, query_points_1: trieste.types.TensorType, query_points_2: trieste.types.TensorType, num_latent: int) → tuple[trieste.types.TensorType, trieste.types.TensorType, trieste.types.TensorType, trieste.types.TensorType][source]# Return all the prior covariances required to calculate posterior covariances for each latent Gaussian process, as specified by the num_latent input.
This function returns the covariance between: inducing_points and query_points_1; inducing_points and query_points_2; query_points_1 and query_points_2; inducing_points and inducing_points.
The calculations are performed differently depending on the type of kernel (single output, separate independent multi-output or shared independent multi-output) and inducing variables (simple set, SharedIndependent or SeparateIndependent).
Note that num_latents is only used when we use a single kernel for a multi-output model.
(model: trieste.models.gpflow.interface.GPflowPredictor, inducing_points: trieste.types.TensorType) → Tuple[trieste.types.TensorType, trieste.types.TensorType][source]# GPFlow’s VGP and SVGP can use whitened representation, i.e. q_mu and q_sqrt parametrize q(v), and u = f(X) = L v, where L = cholesky(K(X, X)) Hence we need to back-transform from f_mu and f_cov to obtain the updated new_q_mu and new_q_sqrt.
- Parameters
model – The whitened model.
- Para inducing_points
The new inducing point locations.
- Returns
The updated q_mu and q_sqrt with shapes [N, L] and [L, N, N], respectively.