Source code for trieste.models.gpflow.utils

# Copyright 2021 The Trieste Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Tuple, Union

import gpflow
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp

from import Dataset
from ...types import TensorType
from ...utils import DEFAULTS
from ..optimizer import BatchOptimizer, Optimizer
from .interface import GPflowPredictor

[docs]def assert_data_is_compatible(new_data: Dataset, existing_data: Dataset) -> None: """ Checks that new data is compatible with existing data. :param new_data: New data. :param existing_data: Existing data. :raise ValueError: if trailing dimensions of the query point or observation differ. """ if new_data.query_points.shape[-1] != existing_data.query_points.shape[-1]: raise ValueError( f"Shape {new_data.query_points.shape} of new query points is incompatible with" f" shape {existing_data.query_points.shape} of existing query points. Trailing" f" dimensions must match." ) if new_data.observations.shape[-1] != existing_data.observations.shape[-1]: raise ValueError( f"Shape {new_data.observations.shape} of new observations is incompatible with"
f" shape {existing_data.observations.shape} of existing observations. Trailing" f" dimensions must match." )
[docs]def randomize_hyperparameters(object: gpflow.Module) -> None: """ Sets hyperparameters to random samples from their constrained domains or (if not constraints are available) their prior distributions. :param object: Any gpflow Module. """ for param in object.trainable_parameters: if isinstance(param.bijector, tfp.bijectors.Sigmoid): sample = tf.random.uniform( param.bijector.low.shape, minval=param.bijector.low, maxval=param.bijector.high, dtype=param.bijector.low.dtype, ) param.assign(sample) elif param.prior is not None: # handle constant priors for multi-dimensional parameters if param.prior.batch_shape == param.prior.event_shape == [] and tf.rank(param) == 1: sample = param.prior.sample(tf.shape(param)) else: sample = param.prior.sample() param.assign(sample)
[docs]def squeeze_hyperparameters( object: gpflow.Module, alpha: float = 1e-2, epsilon: float = 1e-7 ) -> None: """ Squeezes the parameters to be strictly inside their range defined by the Sigmoid, or strictly greater than the limit defined by the Shift+Softplus. This avoids having Inf unconstrained values when the parameters are exactly at the boundary. :param object: Any gpflow Module. :param alpha: the proportion of the range with which to squeeze for the Sigmoid case :param epsilon: the value with which to offset the shift for the Softplus case. :raise ValueError: If ``alpha`` is not in (0,1) or epsilon <= 0 """ if not (0 < alpha < 1): raise ValueError(f"squeeze factor alpha must be in (0, 1), found {alpha}") if not (0 < epsilon): raise ValueError(f"offset factor epsilon must be > 0, found {epsilon}") for param in object.trainable_parameters: if isinstance(param.bijector, tfp.bijectors.Sigmoid): delta = (param.bijector.high - param.bijector.low) * alpha squeezed_param = tf.math.minimum(param, param.bijector.high - delta) squeezed_param = tf.math.maximum(squeezed_param, param.bijector.low + delta) param.assign(squeezed_param) elif ( isinstance(param.bijector, tfp.bijectors.Chain) and len(param.bijector.bijectors) == 2 and isinstance(param.bijector.bijectors[0], tfp.bijectors.Shift) and isinstance(param.bijector.bijectors[1], tfp.bijectors.Softplus) ): if isinstance(param.bijector.bijectors[0], tfp.bijectors.Shift) and isinstance( param.bijector.bijectors[1], tfp.bijectors.Softplus ): low = param.bijector.bijectors[0].shift squeezed_param = tf.math.maximum(param, low + epsilon * tf.ones_like(param)) param.assign(squeezed_param)
[docs]def check_optimizer(optimizer: Union[BatchOptimizer, Optimizer]) -> None: """ Check that the optimizer for the GPflow models is using a correct optimizer wrapper. Stochastic gradient descent based methods implemented in TensorFlow would not work properly without mini-batches and hence :class:`~trieste.models.optimizers.BatchOptimizer` that prepares mini-batches and calls the optimizer iteratively needs to be used. GPflow's :class:`~gpflow.optimizers.Scipy` optimizer on the other hand should use the non-batch wrapper :class:`~trieste.models.optimizers.Optimizer`. :param optimizer: An instance of the optimizer wrapper with the underlying optimizer. :raise ValueError: If :class:`~tf.optimizers.Optimizer` is not using :class:`~trieste.models.optimizers.BatchOptimizer` or :class:`~gpflow.optimizers.Scipy` is using :class:`~trieste.models.optimizers.BatchOptimizer`. """ if isinstance(optimizer.optimizer, gpflow.optimizers.Scipy): if isinstance(optimizer, BatchOptimizer): raise ValueError( f""" The gpflow.optimizers.Scipy can only be used with an Optimizer wrapper, however received {optimizer}. """ ) if isinstance(optimizer.optimizer, tf.optimizers.Optimizer): if not isinstance(optimizer, BatchOptimizer): raise ValueError( f""" The tf.optimizers.Optimizer can only be used with a BatchOptimizer wrapper, however received {optimizer}. """
[docs]def _covariance_between_points_for_variational_models( kernel: gpflow.kernels.Kernel, inducing_points: TensorType, q_sqrt: TensorType, query_points_1: TensorType, query_points_2: TensorType, whiten: bool, ) -> TensorType: r""" Compute the posterior covariance between sets of query points. .. math:: \Sigma_{12} = K_{1x}BK_{x2} + K_{12} - K_{1x}K_{xx}^{-1}K_{x2} where :math:`B = K_{xx}^{-1}(q_{sqrt}q_{sqrt}^T)K_{xx}^{-1}` or :math:`B = L^{-1}(q_{sqrt}q_{sqrt}^T)(L^{-1})^T` if we are using a whitened representation in our variational approximation. Here :math:`L` is the Cholesky decomposition of :math:`K_{xx}`. See :cite:`titsias2009variational` for a derivation. Note that this function can also be applied to our :class:`VariationalGaussianProcess` models by passing in the training data rather than the locations of the inducing points. Although query_points_2 must be a rank 2 tensor, query_points_1 can have leading dimensions. :inducing points: The input locations chosen for our variational approximation. :q_sqrt: The Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix of our variational distribution. :param query_points_1: Set of query points with shape [..., A, D] :param query_points_2: Sets of query points with shape [B, D] :param whiten: If True then use whitened representations. :return: Covariance matrix between the sets of query points with shape [..., L, A, B] (L being the number of latent GPs = number of output dimensions) """ tf.debugging.assert_shapes([(query_points_1, [..., "A", "D"]), (query_points_2, ["B", "D"])]) num_latent = q_sqrt.shape[0] K, Kx1, Kx2, K12 = _compute_kernel_blocks( kernel, inducing_points, query_points_1, query_points_2, num_latent ) L = tf.linalg.cholesky(K) # [L, M, M] Linv_Kx1 = tf.linalg.triangular_solve(L, Kx1) # [..., L, M, A] Linv_Kx2 = tf.linalg.triangular_solve(L, Kx2) # [..., L, M, B] def _leading_mul(M_1: TensorType, M_2: TensorType, transpose_a: bool) -> TensorType: if transpose_a: # The einsum below is just A^T*B over the last 2 dimensions. return tf.einsum("...lji,ljk->...lik", M_1, M_2) else: # The einsum below is just A*B^T over the last 2 dimensions. return tf.einsum("...lij,lkj->...lik", M_1, M_2) if whiten: first_cov_term = _leading_mul( _leading_mul(Linv_Kx1, q_sqrt, transpose_a=True), # [..., L, A, M] _leading_mul(Linv_Kx2, q_sqrt, transpose_a=True), # [..., L, B, M] transpose_a=False, ) # [..., L, A, B] else: Linv_qsqrt = tf.linalg.triangular_solve(L, q_sqrt) # [L, M, M] first_cov_term = _leading_mul( _leading_mul(Linv_Kx1, Linv_qsqrt, transpose_a=True), # [..., L, A, M] _leading_mul(Linv_Kx2, Linv_qsqrt, transpose_a=True), # [..., L, B, M] transpose_a=False, ) # [..., L, A, B] second_cov_term = K12 # [..., L, A, B] third_cov_term = _leading_mul(Linv_Kx1, Linv_Kx2, transpose_a=True) # [..., L, A, B] cov = first_cov_term + second_cov_term - third_cov_term # [..., L, A, B] tf.debugging.assert_shapes( [ (query_points_1, [..., "N", "D"]), (query_points_2, ["M", "D"]), (cov, [..., "L", "N", "M"]), ] ) return cov
[docs]def _compute_kernel_blocks( kernel: gpflow.kernels.Kernel, inducing_points: TensorType, query_points_1: TensorType, query_points_2: TensorType, num_latent: int, ) -> tuple[TensorType, TensorType, TensorType, TensorType]: """ Return all the prior covariances required to calculate posterior covariances for each latent Gaussian process, as specified by the `num_latent` input. This function returns the covariance between: `inducing_points` and `query_points_1`; `inducing_points` and `query_points_2`; `query_points_1` and `query_points_2`; `inducing_points` and `inducing_points`. The calculations are performed differently depending on the type of kernel (single output, separate independent multi-output or shared independent multi-output) and inducing variables (simple set, SharedIndependent or SeparateIndependent). Note that `num_latents` is only used when we use a single kernel for a multi-output model. """ if isinstance(kernel, (gpflow.kernels.SharedIndependent, gpflow.kernels.SeparateIndependent)): if type(inducing_points) == list: K = tf.concat( [ker(Z)[None, ...] for ker, Z in zip(kernel.kernels, inducing_points)], axis=0 ) Kx1 = tf.concat( [ ker(Z, query_points_1)[None, ...] for ker, Z in zip(kernel.kernels, inducing_points) ], axis=0, ) # [..., L, M, A] Kx2 = tf.concat( [ ker(Z, query_points_2)[None, ...] for ker, Z in zip(kernel.kernels, inducing_points) ], axis=0, ) # [L, M, B] K12 = tf.concat( [ker(query_points_1, query_points_2)[None, ...] for ker in kernel.kernels], axis=0 ) # [L, M, B] else: K = kernel(inducing_points, full_cov=True, full_output_cov=False) # [L, M, M] Kx1 = kernel( inducing_points, query_points_1, full_cov=True, full_output_cov=False ) # [..., L, M, A] Kx2 = kernel( inducing_points, query_points_2, full_cov=True, full_output_cov=False ) # [L, M, B] K12 = kernel( query_points_1, query_points_2, full_cov=True, full_output_cov=False ) # [..., L, A, B] else: # simple calculations for the single output case K = kernel(inducing_points) # [M, M] Kx1 = kernel(inducing_points, query_points_1) # [..., M, A] Kx2 = kernel(inducing_points, query_points_2) # [M, B] K12 = kernel(query_points_1, query_points_2) # [..., A, B] if len(tf.shape(K)) == 2: # if single kernel then repeat for all latent dimensions K = tf.repeat(tf.expand_dims(K, -3), num_latent, axis=-3) Kx1 = tf.repeat(tf.expand_dims(Kx1, -3), num_latent, axis=-3) Kx2 = tf.repeat(tf.expand_dims(Kx2, -3), num_latent, axis=-3) K12 = tf.repeat(tf.expand_dims(K12, -3), num_latent, axis=-3) elif len(tf.shape(K)) > 3: raise NotImplementedError( "Covariance between points is not supported " "for kernels of type " f"{type(kernel)}." ) tf.debugging.assert_shapes( [ (K, ["L", "M", "M"]), (Kx1, ["L", "M", "A"]), (Kx2, ["L", "M", "B"]), (K12, ["L", "A", "B"]), ] ) return K, Kx1, Kx2, K12
[docs]def _whiten_points( model: GPflowPredictor, inducing_points: TensorType ) -> Tuple[TensorType, TensorType]: """ GPFlow's VGP and SVGP can use whitened representation, i.e. q_mu and q_sqrt parametrize q(v), and u = f(X) = L v, where L = cholesky(K(X, X)) Hence we need to back-transform from f_mu and f_cov to obtain the updated new_q_mu and new_q_sqrt. :param model: The whitened model. :para inducing_points: The new inducing point locations. :return: The updated q_mu and q_sqrt with shapes [N, L] and [L, N, N], respectively. """ f_mu, f_cov = model.model.predict_f(inducing_points, full_cov=True) # [N, L], [L, N, N] Knn = model.get_kernel()(inducing_points, full_cov=True) # [N, N] jitter_mat = DEFAULTS.JITTER * tf.eye(tf.shape(inducing_points)[0], dtype=Knn.dtype) Lnn = tf.linalg.cholesky(Knn + jitter_mat) # [N, N] new_q_mu = tf.linalg.triangular_solve(Lnn, f_mu) # [N, L] tmp = tf.linalg.triangular_solve(Lnn[None], f_cov) # [L, N, N], L⁻¹ f_cov S_v = tf.linalg.triangular_solve(Lnn[None], tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(tmp)) # [L, N, N] new_q_sqrt = tf.linalg.cholesky(S_v + jitter_mat) # [L, N, N] return new_q_mu, new_q_sqrt